
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

October 7, 2012

Newsworthiness, 1980-2012

         In a story grabbing headlines in Brazil, a 20 year-old auctioning her virginity off in a film documentary announced that an undisclosed portion of her proceeds will be given to unspecified charity, or maybe charities.  The purpose of the documentary was not explained, the filmmaker said he'd been shocked to hear that a young lady starring in one of his productions would decide to #%$# for charity, and some Brazilian charity organizers have announced that they won’t accept her money. To evade probable prosecution, climactic scenes, if not the young lady's, will be set in an airplane flying mile(s) above, as we understand this, a jurisdiction to be named later.

         The high bid is currently $190,000.  A young man auctioning his che&&y off too has been offered as much as $1,300.

         Meanwhile in other news, we found no mention of the “stock option” swindle that has been skimming your savings bit by bit over the past 32 years, 9 months, and 7 days, thoroughly skimming to the point where every penny you or your family had invested in the stock market as of Dec 31, 1980 has been pocketed by the 1% and used to keep this kind of racketeering out of media view.  No mention anywhere.  Never in decades of reporting around these criminal activities have we ever listened to a single talking head addressing just how much of your future, America's thieving Crime Lords steal from you and yours.

         Forget the young lady, newshounds.  CEOs have us screaming too.