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October 11, 2012

Crime Against Whites Makes Prime Time

         A case against the University of Texas over their, and this nation's, longstanding policy of committing crimes against Whites in the college admissions process came before the Supreme Court yesterday.  Below are links to articles in 1) the New York Daily News, the most reliable source of headline financial coverage in the non-blog media today, and 2) some internet site we ran across after googling the victim's name that summarizes her high school qualifications and family connection to UT.

         In news kind of elsewhere, we can't stop wondering how many college educated Blacks were involved in the decision to drop the jobless rate below 8% hours after Blatant Umama got his a$$ whipped in the first  presidential debate, though that's probably blatantly unrelated to the case at hand in the minds of 47% of the voting population, including the core 11% who would vote maybe 95% for Umama even if the former White-bashing church member had O.J. Simpson on the ballot with him.  Especially if he had OJ on the ballot with him, we mean.  We read somewhere that Blacks occupy a disproportionate percentage of jobs in the Federal Government compared to their ratio within the total population.

         Perhaps someone ought to sue somebody over that one next.