
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

July 6, 2014

Survey Says Liberal Elites Hate McDonald’s

         In yet another indigestible propaganda piece polling the kind of trendy, left-wing metrosexual spume who have this craven need to prove that they’re better than us by slamming hamburgers at McDonald’s, some effete media whack-jobs just this week proclaimed that, once again, today’s trendy left-wing, metrosexual spume is better than us, and purported to prove it by producing a “brand new” survey slamming hamburgers at McDonald’s.

         After 60 years of this, a backhanded way of flaunting lavish lifestyle choices of the rich and psychotic, who can afford to pay top dollar for the latest hoity-toity faux-gourmet fad in affirmative-action, pro-choice, wetback-amnesty, terrorist-releasing faggotland, and do so with a vengeance, The McDougal Post proclaims that what is really, really difficult to swallow here, is the h0rs#sh!t plopped out by effete media whack-jobs, and we call upon real Americans everywhere to join us in hitting the Golden Arches twice a week for the rest of our tempting, filling, absolutely delicious, and shove-your-pinko-dietary-choices-up-your-commie-a$$ lives, and save ourselves a bundle in doing so.

         Long Live Big Macs and Fries!  Long Live Egg McMuffins!  Long Live Everything Else on McDonald's Savory Menu!  Long Live Ronald McDonald!

         And out with the Real Clowns Here Too!