
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

July 9, 2014

Another Call for Impeachment

         As the far-seeing among us continue to unravel over the portending death of America, a shrill cry to punish the sitting miscreant, started here at your MacDougal Post, grows louder across the ailing land:

         Meanwhile, doing the pinko commie shuffle down the very White House corridors where these impeachable crimes keep taking place, a tap-dancing Mister Bojangles has now changed positions on the alien child invasion three times in three days, hoofing like the minstrel show headliner he seems to become every time the sh!t hits the fan for him.

         When the doctrine is Democratic political tricks, and the issue, raghead terrorists sneaking across our unprotected border along with a bonanza of Democratic votes, a doctrinaire is the last security risk America can afford to keep in the Oval office right now, particularly one Muslim-raised Kenyan who just released five, count ‘em, five high terrorist muckety-mucks, and released them from detention for already trying to blow some of us up.

House Republicans, impeach this malignancy from the body politic and start calling treason, treason, before the morbid ramifications here get us all blown up.