
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

July 18, 2014

Destructionism and You

         At the risk of looking like the last person on the face of the earth to figure this thing out, enough quarterly results have come in now to get MacDougal realizing that 1) today’s CEO’s use layoffs to increase earnings per share when revenues decline, and 2) they’re so good at it that we’ve reached the point where downsizing has become some new kind of accounting art form.  Well, art form to a retired CPA anyway.

         Subscribers, this economy is stuck in a downward employment spiral, a particularly ugly one too, one where good jobs keep getting replaced by garbage jobs in misleading Government statistics, and the leviathans of commerce, in which we hope you’re all fully invested, have been growing the intrinsic value of your asset management accounts at single digit annual rates with or without Alpha (sales growth) while the rest of the country tumbles down the Obamarama crapper.  Steadily, year after year, without fail, someplace, somewhere, some of these guys have been dumping workforce and coming through on shareholder-friendly numbers every which way but loose.  Enough of these guys to finger them as part of the problem.

         Obviously, this does not portend well for the country.  There’s a theory going around that our Bozo in the White House ascribes to what we’ll call, destructionism, a devious ploy tearing America down to create this window for the Commie takeover he and his ilk have been mapping out for decades.  Promising jobs but delivering more and more unemployment is part and parcel of the destructionist agenda.  If CEO’s continue along their downsizing path, they’ll be playing into this Commie gambit, and at some point the whole house of cards is going to fall down.  In it’s entirety, which includes your asset management account and ours.

         Next step here may well be layoffs in the small business arena over the profit-crushing cost of Obamacare.

         Do not feel good about this feel-good market.  And pray.  Pray for jobs, we suppose.  Or someone who’ll come in and create them.