
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

July 15, 2014

Injustice Strikes Again

         For their part in granting mortgage loans to customers who couldn’t make the payments, duping S & P and them into classifying bonds secured by this garbage as investment grade, and then unloading those toxic assets onto uninformed suckers across the globe, Citibank perps have yet to be fingered, let alone charged.  Shareholders, however, who had absolutely nothing to do with the con, are being hit for $7 billion, including $4 billion cash that goes straight to the felons in the Injustice Department who are ripping them off.

         We call for somebody to throw the Attorney General of the United States in jail.  This is grand larceny, for goodness sakes.  Victimizing innocent citizens, who are forced to come up with hush money for heinous crimes committed by the financial gangsters whose obscene political contributions keep Eric "The Grease" Holder’s ilk in power, should not go unpunished in a country that claims to function under the rule of law.

         The amounts are staggering, and common folks like you and I have to pay them.  WTF?  It’s been estimated that, to date, the widows, orphans, and retirees of America have forked over $100 Billion to keep financial racketeers from being prosecuted.  Clearly, nobody has suffered more from Washington's corruption than us.

         How can we let this injustice go on?