
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

July 4, 2014

Sky-High on the American Commie Manifesto

         A couple of days ago NASA announced that it had just “successfully launched the first spaceship dedicated to studying atmospheric carbon dioxide … to locate Earth’s sources of ... the leading human-produced greenhouse gas responsible for warming our planet.”  Apparently studying whether or not the planet is really warming up, again, or what makes warming up now so different from all the other times the planet went ahead and warmed up without us, if it even is, or determining whether or not carbon dioxide has anything to do with anything is not part of the mission, placing what has become just one more scary spaced-out arm of our Communist Government in Washington front and center in the war to replace intellectual honesty with Clinton/Gore pseudo science.

         Seems that handing oodles and oodles of our manufacturing jobs over to fellow Commies in Asia wasn’t enough for this nation’s pinko leaders.  Now the Trotskyites want to totally destroy American capitalism by excluding reality in decision making as they replace marketable coal and oil with insanely impractical sunlight beams, wafty breezes, corn oil, and God only knows what else, the cost of which will destroy any possibility of sustaining a free market economy here without your freedom-bashing Karl Marx-based Central Party assuming total control over every falling-apart thing and permanently replacing actual money with whatever the hell a Socialist Fed is already QEing us with now.

         Please, somebody important, anybody important, please, please, please, please, please step forward and start making some f#ck!ng sense.