
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

July 19, 2014

Jewish Propaganda Machine Pulls Reporters off Story for Telling the Truth while 46,290 Drug Dealers Are Made Eligible for Early Relase

      Thursday, TV correspondent Diana Magnay got so mad at the Jews around her she had to tell someone.  Reporting it on the air was out of the question.  “Israelis on hill above Sderot cheer as bombs land on #Gaza,” the ace CNN reporter tweeted; “threaten to destroy our car if I say a word wrong.  Scum.”  On Friday, Diana was stationed in Moscow.
      Her departure comes shortly after NBC silenced Arab-speaking Ayman Mohyeldin for his moving coverage of that inhuman Jewish attack on four children playing on a beach that left them all dead.  As Israel invades Palestine, Ayman’s take on the incursion is nowhere to be seen, and apparently his widely followed tweets have been shut down too.  A Huffington Post story states, “some … have suggested in the past that Mohyeldin favored Palestine’s side.”  NBC has had nothing to say about their go-to reporter’s abrupt disappearance from the public eye.
      Only thing we know for sure is, the Jewish media is alive and well in this country and controlling everything you hear, see, or read about everyone and everything everywhere every minute of every day.  It really gets preposterous whenever their true national allegiance is involved.

      Meanwhile back in Obamaramaland, some obscure commission has revised prison sentencing regulations to send so many drug dealers back out on the streets we have to wonder just how much money do the cartels contribute to the Democratic Party these days?

      You know, taking 46,290 pushers out and putting 46,290 Democrats in wouldn't be such a bad idea, if you want to get to the bottom of this outrage and grab the real perps by the b#lls for once.  For starters, maybe Congress ought to look into that part of this thing now.