
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

July 8, 2014

On the Road

         On a day when pinko dissidents in the left-wing media circus inexplicably dissed the New Jersey Governor for declining to talk to parents of tragic victims shot by an armed psycho in Connecticut before vetoing legislation that would’ve prevented real Americans from defending themselves against armed psychos bent on shooting more tragic victims in his own state, we read of patriots elsewhere who’ve found a remarkable way to demonstrate against similarly misguided Commie environmental hysteria, particularly those clueless and embarrassing histrionics emanating from the Screw-up-in-Chief now temporarily billeted at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

         Buy a diesel pick-up truck, put maybe $500 into smokestacks and whatnot, and start polluting the skies around you with gobs and gobs of delightfully thick black carbon emissions.

         It’s called rolling coal, and it’s perfectly legal, and here’s how you do it:

         Here’s where we got that link from:

         And here’s a club to join when you’re all equipped and accessorized; sign up soon and maybe you’ll win that free pump some lucky member is about to receive:

         See you at a Smokey Mountain Black Out, coal rollers.