Goldberg, Styx slashes those insanely over-the-top annual bonuses, following
some recently reported serious staff cuts, sentient market observers have to be
wondering why.
Well, here's one possibility. Starting
with the premise that mob trading profits are scammed out of client
accounts, as we're told that the business is all about informing us of
money-making opportunities while behind closed doors the racketeers
are using that know-how solely for themselves, and the only know-how the
cash sucking moneypluckers really have is knowledge of what we're doing because
these low-life con artists are taking our damn orders from us, it's easy to see how entire
trading operations could be geared to telling their valued customers one thing while the Families
do another.
Goldberg, Styx run like that, the firm would have to take it on the lam if the
Feds were afoot.
the Feds are definitely afoot these days. Agency Hotshots as well as
Congressional snoops and state legal beagles are all over the rackets big time,
and have been for a while now. With mob books in hand as they hound crew
underlings like inside traders and rogue Frenchmen, law enforcement is so close
to the heart of organized financial crime, the Dons are teetering on some
actual law enforcement for the first time ever.
that's missing now is an Eliot Ness with the guts to end Wall Street
racketeering once and for all, and send these no-good, thieving rats up the river forever. Small wonder why some of the dumbest guys in the
room aren't in the room anymore and the rest are getting stiffed in the
lavishly overpaid paycheck department.