many media pundits are calling for war to break out against Iran later this
year, Post subscribers may be excused for wondering whether this White house is being run by
the talking airheads. Relax, it's not.
Foreign Policy has been determined by modern gunrunners like Dick Cheney
since at least the Nixon Administration, and this is just more of the same old,
same old. The people who gave you Viet
Nam, Iraq, Iraq, Afghanistan, plus we forget what all in between, are going to stage another one sometime, so why not now?
on to all those defense stocks for starters, and check your playbook to see
what happens next. Market participants
aren’t exactly caught by surprise over these things anymore, and with the crippling
of the American auto and housing industries and destruction of our consumer product
industrial base, defense is pretty much all we’ve got left. Blow up Iran, if the modern gunrunner must,
and let’s just go ahead and build a new economic base from there.
has never been confused with Ethics 101.