
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

April 25, 2011

Required Reading

    So seldom do we agree with anything anybody says that it came as rather a shock to concur with everything David Stockman postulated in his recent online New York Times opine, The Bipartisan March to Fiscal Madness, found at:

    h ttp://

    The former Republican Director of the Office of Management and Budget allows that Umama’s solution to the menacing National Debt is just more of the Democratic Party’s ineffectual attack on the rich while fiscal adolescent Paul Ryan’s proposal just continues the wildly successful broadside against our poor and middle classes waged by Beltway Republicans since at least the Reagan years, if not something like the beginning of time.

    There are no winners here, and the falderal simply draws us closer to class warfare than anyone has been since maybe the French Revolution settled their disputes with a guillotine.  Of particular interest to Post readers is the accurate commentary on our rigged US Treasury bond market, a collusion of nations that, which has made financial malfeasance possible, and will continue to do so right up to the point of hyperinflation, if allowed to go on any longer.