
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

April 15, 2011

Much Ado about Nothing

    Lately, there’s been a pathetic flurry of news out of Washington over the financial holocaust.  Seasoned Post readers should be able to seize on a couple of points, and join us in shaking our heads over the rest.

    One, the FBI was ordered to stand down.  Once the calamari hit the fan, there was no law enforcement in Washington and, we assume, there still isn‘t any.  That’s probably why nobody nabbed the Secretary of the Treasury and them for slipping the Dons a freaking “bailout” jackpot after Gangland racketeers bumbled into their own bogus sub-prime mortgage knockdown.

    Shoot, that’s probably why the Secretaries of Everything aren’t in the slammer today.  And everybody else in town.

    Two, the three pillars of Organized Crime on Wall Street remain untouched, unmentioned, and uncommented upon by a complicit media.  Short selling, the issuance of phony-baloney shares to trash companies, industries, market sectors, whole markets, entire economies, and now the civilized world and Iceland, remains sacrosanct, the holy cross we all must bear during the rigged “free” market’s periodic high processionals to oblivion.  Dancing around customer orders, the old smarmy two-step, continues to bleed us dry, and gangbanging, muscling prices around behind the full financial clout of all the Families acting together, is violating targeted stocks on the short interest list as we sit here and lament.

    Readers, all together now, Shake,
    Shake, Shake, Shake your heads, readers, Shake.

    Dons too. Shake in Cel-e-bra-tion Dons,
    Shake, Shake, Shake your booty, Shake,
    Owwwww, Shake, Shake, Shake your booty, Shake,
    Shake your booty, Shake.

    Shake, Shake, Shake your booty,
    Shake, Shake, Shake your booty,
    Shake, Shake, Shake your booty,
    Shake, Shake, Shake your booty, Dons, Shake.