
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

April 27, 2011

The Millenniums

    Last night, 60 Minutes on CNBC had a segment on Millenniums, a catchy slogan for the generation of degree-bearing, suburban-bred twenty-somethings now entering the workforce, or at least trying to.  Another deal on the same show had been shot a couple years ago, so maybe this one was a tad dated too.

    Anyway, Morley Safer or somebody described these losers as total employment misfits, coddled by youth sports into thinking that everyone gets trophies in life, convinced they’re special by politically correct support groups telling kids so for no discernable reason, inherently incapable of “taking orders”, their view of how corporate America functions, and worst of all, conditioned to put family and friends first.  Specifically, ahead of job, for Chrissake.

    Millenniums have spawned a multi-billion dollar industry of consultants and such to advise middle management on how to change company ways in order to accommodate moms who call up Human Resources complaining their brat wasn’t given the kind of personnel evaluation His or Her Royal Highness really deserved.


    The MacDougal Post unconditionally urges multinational corporations our readers might want to invest in to keep shipping American jobs offshore as quickly as you can, and as far offshore as possible too, and suggest the rest of you go ahead and pick up the slack, taking all the Millenniums you want off our job markets.

    In fact, staff at The Post now wonder why all the jobs in America haven’t aleady gone to Bangladesh and them, especially by now, and congratulate Washington on its patriotism in making outsourcing possible on the kind of massive scale that‘ll keep our readers’ dividend checks rolling in.

    Congressmen, you’re all great Americans on this one.  And keep trashing the economy. 

    Twenty more years of sh!# ought to straighten the little bastards out.