
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

December 29, 2016

The Future under Trump: Look Forward - Not in the Rear-View Mirror

     If you take our extirpated leadership for the communists they are and fit their record into the Marxist manifesto to destroy capitalism utterly, then one understands why these dastardly pinkos did what they did:  1) denying cost-effective fossil fuel to an economy's means of production and transportation while 2) handcuffing the bourgeoisie with galumphing regulation, and then 3) flooding the population with impoverished anti-Christian immigrants who refuse to assimilate and who produce a steady stream of home-grown killers targeting everybody who isn't them - this, this horrific place is just where the peaceful revolutionary wants to go to topple an economic colossus like ours helplessly to the ground.

     There's more, lots more, but just abrogating subversive Government efforts in those three areas and setting a supportive course could be enough to unbind the kind of American excellence that would justify this recent Trump Rally and launch market averages up at least much closer to the nosebleed heights some gurus are prognosticating.

     For starters, think of everything the Washington Swamp has sloshed onto commercial interests as costly, unproductive, and deliberately encumbering business overhead, then consider the possibilities out there were all those barricades, monkey wrenches, roadblocks, booby traps, and logjams to be removed.

     Don't prejudge the United States of America.

     Give SuperDonald a chance to do what he can do.  And stop looking backwards.   The Man of Deal is facing smelly 2017, not some comparably fragrant year in another millennium, and those stinky 2017 problems are right in front of his nose.

     Last and probably most important of all, do not overlook the even more obvious.  If he just starts to sweep the regulatory slate clean, comes through for the oil patch a tad, and simply continues to address the Muslim War Machine as a goddam Muslim War Machine, the ever-present speculative community on and around Wall Street could jump all over the outsized potential there, and drive stock prices through the roof.

December 24, 2016

Things Will Be Different

     "As to the U.N., things will be different after Jan. 20," Trump's tweet went, responding to Barry Soetoro's evil attempt at decapitating Israel yesterday, and we've been obsessed with how ever since.  Once again real news has come through for us.  Here's what Breitbart served up so far:

December 4, 2016

December 19th Update

     Apparently the communists, reported to have come up with 15 pinkos in the electoral college who will not vote for the president-elect, have not given up on their plans to follow the Fed's lead and destroy capitalism under a Hillary Clinton administration;  sounds like the next 15 days are going to be a nail-biter, subscribers:

November 27, 2016

No More Bloomington, Indiana

     Due to the ongoing attack on Christ launched by Satanic forces running that evil place, The MacDougal Post no longer recognizes the existence of what used to be called Bloomington, Indiana;  In the future, simply consider this hellish abomination of a geographical location to be included in any nonspecific references our blogger may make to Hades:

November 14, 2016

Dump Mainstream and Go Breitbart

     The problem with our mainstream media is simple; the misleading psychos stopped giving us news years ago to traffick in Liberal delusions.  If you haven't switched over to alternative media yet, here's a sample of what Breitbart has to offer - and the kind of relevancy you've been missing out on:

     SuperDonald is keeping Breitbart mogul, Steve Bannon, on staff for good reason, and you can read why by keeping up with his perceptive outlet daily.

November 12, 2016

Presidential Election Phobias

     Many who found evil incarnate in the Democratic leadership during the Presidential race are now left with awful fears.  That Barry Soetoro will issue an executive order invalidating the voting results and then declare himself still President appears to be the worst of the lot.  Allow us to offer anyone suffering from these kinds of neuroses what seems, historically anyway, a more plausible fixation.

     Nobody elected nobody on November 8.  Those totals only help each of our states select electors for the process that will choose a new President as well as a new Vice President on December 19 in what has come to be called the United States Electoral College.  Most electors are pledged to vote for a specified political party's candidate, however those pledges are not required to be honored, and, according to Wikipedia, there have been 157 instances throughout history where they have not.  In 1836, Virginia's entire 23-man delegation voted against the Vice Presidential candidate they were pledged to, sending his contest to the U. S. Senate, where he was ultimately given the office anyway.

     Coverage of the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play rackets focused on foreign players, but there was domestic payola too.  If any of the U.S. play had to do with Electoral College stuff, SuperDonald could be spending the next four years still luxuriating in his Trump Tower penthouse despite what everybody thinks just happened.  To an arch-criminal mind, the real action has yet to go down.

     December 19, 2016, conspiracy aficionados, December 19, 2016.  By any definition of the term that we can understand, there is no actual United States Electoral College, and electors' ballots will be sent that day from the states to the President of the U.S. Senate, who gets them all tallied up and tells us how it went.

     Those of you who see these pinkos for what they really are may want to mark December 19, 2016 on your calendar and ..................................... wait.

     Oh, about that 1836 guy, the V.P candidate.  Virginia delegation voted against him for having sex with a slave.  If you really want something to get stressed out over, V.P candidate probably had to grab pussy to get there.

November 10, 2016

The Emigrants

     Breitbart listed 16 celebrities who said they'd leave the U. S. if Donald Trump got elected.  These are: Barbara Streisand, Bryan Cranston, Miley Cyrus, Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, Jon Stewart, Cher, Chelsea Handler, Samuel L. Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg, Neve Campbell, Keeegan-Michael Key, George Lopez, Ne-Yo, Rev. Al Sharpton, Raven-Symone.  Townhall added Barry Diller, Chloe Sevigny, Natasha Lyonne, Eddie Griffin, Spike Lee, Amber Rose, Omari Hardwick, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Katie Hopkins, and we already knew about DeNiro and Rosie.

     Now that Donald Trump is, in fact, heading for the Oval Office, MacDougal Post staff is requesting that our valued subscribers notify us of any relevant developments regarding the names on this list.  Inclusions, deletions, and most importantly, all those new addresses to record.

     Where appropriate, local narcs and them will want to be informed that the Hollywood lifestyle is coming to town.

November 9, 2016

This Week in the Comics


     Truth, Justice, and the American Way spoke out loud and clear on Tuesday as the champion landlord ushered in a trend-setting, upscale new day for his beloved White Man, rendering political corruption, free-stuff diversity, and just plain bad taste, frumpy outfits, and flat-out blood-curdling bad-hair days totally unfashionable from this glorious moment on, sending Scary Eye and Slingin' Willy to the smelly dung heap of History - hopefully for good this time.

     By Wednesday morning, Rosie, DeNiro, and them, seemingly constituting at least the dumber half of Hollywood, were presumably scrambling to find another country goofy enough to let them live in.  Whether or not any of the no-talent hams would make good on vows to leave this one if The Cappuccino Crusader whipped their crooked, lying beeatch, vows noted by former fans all across the birthland, would, of course, be another story.

     Never missing a chance to screw over their customers, the Wall Street Crime Families trashed stocks in pre-hour trading Wednesday, the "two" in one-two punch, which, following nationalization of the U.S. Treasury Bond market orchestrated by Dons on loan to Government during the Financial Apocalypse, was designed to double citizens over with a gut shot for voting to take rigged-market capitalism away from them.

     FBI agents rejoiced at the news of our Man of Deal's great victory more than anybody as G-Men everywhere looked forward to adding the Director's name to whatever they've got going with the Terrible Tandem's illegal shenanigans, truly evil monkey business that the gentleman at Wikileaks has been leaking all over for months now.

     As dawn broke across America, White men everywhere began to feel like they really could HAVE A NICE DAY, smiley and all - if people would just stop saying that all the damn time.  Like everywhere you go, it's HAVE A NICE DAY, SIR, HAVE A NICE DAY, MISTER, HAVE A NICE DAY, BIG GUY, HAVE A NICE DAY, HAVE A NICE DAY, HAVE A NICE DAY, HAVE A NICE DAY, HAVE A .... enough already.  I mean, how much of that can a human being be expected to take anyway?

     Besides, SuperDonald won. Gotta be a SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS day, if ever there was one.

November 5, 2016

Getting Ready to Analyze Election Results

     Voting early, an anonymous staffer observed that polling officials dealing with voting machines at that location were Black.  All of them.  Should this be the case elsewhere in cities across the country, it seems prudent to wonder if Barry Soetoro has managed to extend his war against White Christians into the nation's voting booths - from, it must be noted, her wide-open borders, where Muslim killers are reported to be pouring in unchallenged by staff assigned to administer Soetoro's immigration executive orders.  Then there's the possibility that epic, over-the-top Clintonian criminality may have gotten the voting machine fix in first.

     Should our worst fears be realized, the Post projects that The Donald will win the vote and lose the tally.  Were Trump to grab the W with anything less than a landslide, it would mean that the Soetoro/Clinton axis of evil screwed up something somehow.  Only the huge victory that SuperDonald has earned will convince right-minded Americans that these sneaky little pinkos and their m#^*%+$#^*!%g commie propaganda machine haven't been busting butt to steal the election process that way too.

November 1, 2016

Getting Away From It All

     In case anyone needs this, and it strikes us as likely that, at some point during the epic showdown every sentient American will, if only for a cathartic moment or two or thirty-six hundred or some multiple thereof, The Weather Channel has just promised to cease and desist from polluting their allocation of the beleaguered nation's airwaves with Election Day political coverage from 3 PM to midnight next Tuesday, broadcasting 9 hours of nature scenes instead.

     Don't hesitate to jump all over the only patriotic gesture coming out of our mainstream media since Bush the First vacated the White House to the horrors of Muslim rule by the Black traitor Barry Soetoro - at what could turn out to be the bleakest hour in American history since December 7, 1941 - or the 99 percent's finest moment since V-J Day 1945.

     We will.

October 18, 2016

Of Efficient Market Prices and Elephants in the Room

     It's been ages since we've covered the Wall Street Crime Families, having turned our eye onto the nascent rise of communism that followed a Central Bank nationalization of the US Treasury bond market and the remarkable assimilation of national politicians into this Central Party system now ruling Washington, in large part through the heinous diversionary tactics of their propaganda machine, all those stinking national, regional, and local outlets in what has become a truly unconscionable media charade.  However, recent developments in what we think of as the financial services industry group brought our thoughts home, if only momentarily.

     Fiduciaries are dumping more expensive actively managed funds held in client portfolios, and pouring that dough into lower cost index funds.  It seems that the burden is on bankers and them these days to, as a Wall Street Journal piece puts it, "show there is a reasonable likelihood an investment will beat the market after fees", and recent statistics suggest that such has simply not been the case with actively managed funds, mutual, hedge, or whatever, for a convincing window of time now.

     What grabbed our attention was a proposition going along with this that markets would no longer be able to function properly under the new ways.  Who would be there in the marketplace to help find efficient prices if everyone was off somewhere else indexing?

     Fear not, subscribers.  The dons aren't going anywhere, or the capos who actually do that dirtywork.  Efficient prices will be rigged the same way they've always been - with the fix on.  Crime Families putting every dollar they've got behind whatever con they're pulling this time to make your money theirs.  Like always, their formidable buying/selling pressure will sky prices up before your vaunted index fund finishes a buy program and tank them down before that fund can get anywhere near close to done selling, giving mafia counterparties the average prices they need to keep family coffers stuffed full.  The sucker used to be you. Get all indexed up, and now we'll have to say it's yours.

     Call that efficient, if you want, but it's definitely the way markets work.  Everyone else getting trampled by the zillionaire elephant in the room.


October 10, 2016

This Week in the Comics

     SuperDonald's worst enemies, Capitalist members of the Central Party, released a years-old, illegally taped conversation of a younger SuperDonald talking like every regular son-of-bitch in the whole fucking country does to his asshole buddies, even with some piss ant pretending to be your asshole buddy but taping you instead.  The main topic of conversation at such times is, of course, grabbing pussy, and the younger Man of Deal treated his audience to a thoroughly well thought out take on that, admirably presented too.  His Communist enemies, however, reacted predictably, Central Party faggots and half the asswipe trannies going postal over the pussy grabbing stuff, Central Party dykes and the other half of the asswipe trannies declining to discuss pussy at all, and each Central Party bisexual trying to figure out just what the fuck he/she/them is before deciding how a grabbed pussy would affect him/her/them.

     Slingin' Willy, whose valuable input should've been the most relevant of anybody's in the Communist Party, remained silent on actually stuffing cigars into a White House intern's pussy, slingin' his willy into a White House intern's mouth, and soiling a White House intern's pretty blue dress at the end of an Oval Office blowjob with the essence of his Presidential loins.  Meanwhile Crazy-Eye kept alluding to what SuperDonald thinks of Rosie O'Donnell even though the entire voting public except her thinks what he had to say there was real accurate, if not somewhat understated.  Okay, way understated.  Way, way understated to some of you, we know.

     For declaring that the Presidential race was over a month before Election Day on account of pussy grabbing, even though SuperDonald was just talking about it on the years-old tape, not actually grabbing any, Chuck Todd has already been awarded the Joseph Goebbels Propagandist of 2016 Award two and a half months before the year was over.  Nobody has turned what used to be journalism into pure, unadulterated fiction designed to glorify the North American Communist Party better than Chuck, no one since communism was ushered in with the nationalization of the U.S. Treasury bond market less than a decade ago anyway.

October 6, 2016


     Where to?  How?

     Before Hurricane Andrew, residents of South Florida could skip town two or three days before a storm's expected arrival and drive out in light traffic.  After Andrew, escape routes got clogged early, and evacuees were faced with the the risks of blocked roads, insane gas lines, and gas stations run dry.  Motels were full all the way into Georgia and Alabama.  Towns in Georgia had storm shelters with signs up telling you to go away if you weren't from there.

     As with their election coverage, the media is ignoring half the story.  Leave, leave, leave, they're urging people, as if what happens once you lock your door doesn't matter and hunkering down isn't a sanctioned option anymore.  Mandatory evacuation orders, or mandatory death sentences?

     In 75 years of hurricane watching, our quasi meteorologist has never seen coverage as irresponsible as this.  It's almost as if our Muslim President is deliberately placing White Christians in harms way.

     Wouldn't surprise anybody we're still talking to if he was.

October 5, 2016

This Week in the Comics

The Adventures of SuperDonald

Man of Deal

     While her underling went and got himself all beat up in a televised debate against the Man of Deal's loyal second in command, who, of course, had Truth, Justice, and the American Way on his teleprompter, Crazy-Eye, distaff half of the Washington power couple demanding his and hers presidencies from victimized voters, stayed in to collapse out of public view - if it hit again - and count her money.  What "it" is hasn't been revealed yet as penile half, Slingin' Willy, took to the airwaves to explain that what's happened before hasn't happened before, enabling media cronies to suggest maybe her shoes were too tight or she had a tummy ache or indigestion or something, or... or... or simply felt like lying down on the curb to enjoy the sunny day since whatever it was wasn't overheating or contageous pneumomia or anything like that at all.  Ever.  As for that money she was busy counting, Crazy-Eye had plenty to add up.  News reports revealed that the power couple could strongarm top dollar kickbacks from beholden Arab potentates for State Department efforts to finally let ragheads buy every manner of U. S. military warbird capable of flying a nuclear payload over sworn enemy Israel.  Her Sate Department, that would be.

     Elsewhere on the campaign trail, SuperDonald flew Trump One into downtown Vegas, only it was announced that Maria Sharapova had just signed up for a tennis tournament there, so you couldn't find anything from the local propaganda machine about the Man of Deal, only tennis stuff and/or Russian stuff and/or Russian tennis players stuff, so our superhero kind of went underground, or at least underreported, temporarily out of sight too.

     Meanwhile, in total secrecy as always, the evil Planet of the Apes White House continued waging war against the White Race, apparently following some paper Monkey-Face wrote in college outlining how Cornelius should channel community activism into 1) taking down the White police, 2) turning Arians into a minority population through mass illegal immigration, 3) bringing large numbers of Muslim teenagers into the country to mass murder Whites, 4) closing the Ghettos to relocate all inner-city Blacks into affluent White suburbs, 5) increasing the proportion of Blacks in Government, and 6) launching both welfare payments and income tax rates up to nosebleed heights as a means of ultimately enslaving the soon-to-be lower class Whites and making them work for this new obscenely wealthy Black ruling class.

     Things looked grimmer and grimmer in the fancier neighborhoods outside Gotham City as the weeks rolled by.  Could SuperDonald still save the day?  Or would he encamp in Sin City, pick up some Nikes and a fashionable pair of high-end shorts, and ditch the race for some Russki-born tennis lovely?

     Only time will tell, valued subscribers.  Only time will tell. 

October 1, 2016

The Comic Book Election

     If the 2016 race for President of the United States seems unreal, that's because it is.  Everything about the two major campaigns reads like something coming out of a comic book.  An adult comic book, to be sure.

   Arch-villain Crazy-Eye, female half of the malevalent Washington power couple who rendered their country's factories onto foreign lands in exchange for a surfeit of riches that beholden potentates are still pouring into the obscenely overflowing coffers of their Canadian-based strongarm operation, The Clinton Foundation, is running as a Communist, the wild-spending party whose prodigal ways have become focused on 1) buying votes through massive free-stuff giveaways and 2) keeping the Treasury bond market nationalized to maintain ruthless control over interest rates, which would otherwise reach heights that would bankrupt their vile pinko game.  Slingin' Willy, male half of the repressible ruling pair, is a politico/predator, the infamous pervert who never could keep it in his pants, bringing semen stains into both the White House and his abused nation's preteen history books.

     SuperDonald, a hero who builds tall buildings with other people's bare hands, carries heavier debt burdens than an entire European principality, and is often spotted with beauty contestants on his arm, talented women who can look gorgeous and do swimsuit, evening gown, or interview competitions at the same time, is running as a Capitalist, the hard-working party that founded the country and made it great.  SuperDonald says he'll make it great again, and his superpowers include making a great deal, constructing national fences, and keeping scum who want to kill us out of the country - as well as all the goddam antichrists who're bringing these killers in with them.

     Will Truth, Justice, and the American Way win out?  Or can Crazy-Eye and Slingin' Willy do the unthinkable and bring the beleaguered masses down to the depths of utter ruination.

     Then there's the bigger issue here.  The one nobody wants to talk about.  Voters no longer determine the outcome of these elections, voting machines do.  Have Crazy-Eye and Slingin' Willy put enough crooked cronies in place to make the results already known to them?

  What can SuperDonald possibly do about that?  Does our hero win the vote only to lose the tally in the end?

     Don't go away.  The hand of destiny will be turning our pages to that part soon.

September 23, 2016

The Donald Wins, Then What?

     Victory, followed immediately by taking on Yellen over nationalizing the Bond Market, China over currency manipulation, central bankers everywhere over ZIRP/NIRP/Whatever, Asians over getting our factories back, India and Bangladesh over shutting down our call centers there, and the rest of it, while he's fencing wetbacks out and keeping their jobs in, for Americans to have, and shutting down what has apparently become a major industry built around the inflow of Islamic infrastructure producing the murdering Muslim scum who kill Christians and Jews here on our own soil?  Ouch.  Stock market drops what, 50% overnight?  95%?  World economy ceases to function two weeks later?

     Or is there some gentle way to undo the evil done to this country by Washington elites, maybe this thing about knowing how to make a deal.

     What's up with that anyway?  How will it be applied?  Sometimes, one feels like we're watching this comic book superhero who showed up one day with these superpowers of his, a Master of at least the World Economy, if not the Universe, and we have no idea what these superpowers are, just that one is called making a deal and some day soon Superdonald will just kind of pull it out and the rest, and use them to save us all. 

     The choice is obvious.  Keep on slipping into the tightening grip of communist control, or tear down everything they've built to replace the American Dream with whatever it is we've been given a glimpse of by the Planet of the Apes White House.

     We'd just like to have an early warning damage assessment, a heads-up, is all.  Anybody have a clue?  Anybody at all?

September 17, 2016

Deutsche Bank - Fingering the Real Culprits Here

     As our valued subscribers know, prior to the Financial Apocalypse, Democrats all over Washington enabled financial institutions to basically give away mortgages to borrowers who couldn't afford them, and then the addle-brained politicians and complicit bureaucrats pushed lenders into changing business practices to start doing so, in part through vicious, scorched earth, political correctness initiatives, notably demanding the destruction of centuries-old credit standards and implementation of these brand new, crazy-ass policies of 1) low or no down payments 2) bait and switch interest charges, and 3) dumping the resulting worthless paper on blatantly misled investors through fraudulent securitization underwriting operations.

     A few years later, Democrats running the "Justice" Department started in extorting money from shareholders who had absolutely nothing to do with the resulting meltdown, some of whom didn't even hold stock in whatever financial institution was being looted.  We're told that shareholders at American banks have been made to cough up amounts between $3.2 billion and $16.7 billion.

   Yesterday, Deutsche Bank confirmed reports that it has been told to fork over $14 billion from Deutsche's equity balances.  The bank added it has "no intent to settle ... anywhere near the number cited."

     What they really need to do is sue Washington Democrats instead.  Pretty much all of them.  They're the ones who did this to us.  The crooks who really need to pay.  If $14 billion is the number "Justice" Department Democrats have settled on, then Democrats all over Washington should be called upon to come up with it.

September 12, 2016

The Big Picture

     We here at The MacDougal Post have been coming to grips with what strikes us as a nefariously mutating long term investment continuum by taking things in one parcel at a time.  The piece linked below, graciously passed along by a valued subscriber, is just Part 1 in what's already a comprehensive, sweeping view produced by some impressive broad-vista thinking.  It's well worth your time:

September 11, 2016

Wall Street and Donald Trump

     Expressed as a percentage of GDP, the U.S. debt burden has always risen dramatically during wartime, reaching 110% after WW II and around 25% at the end of our 3 previous wars.  Then these numbers would trace a long and healthy cyclical decline.  Recently however, what we see as sovereign financing used to buy votes by one of the political parties has exacerbated the math to the point where it looks like our debt burden is, at best, never going to get paid off, so central bankers went ahead and nationalized the U.S. Treasury bond markets with ZIRP and NIRP, acronyms for old-fashioned money printing, used in large part this time to support resultingly mispriced financial markets.  Central bankers can only step out onto a playing field established by fiscal policy, so the spotlight for the mess really needs to be turned on Congress and the Administration, but hasn't.

     Interest payments represent the cost of borrowing money.  With ZIRP and NIRP, that cost is set artificially low, and the economic theory these people follow says they can keep overspending as much as they want this way, so they will unless somebody comes along and stops them.

     Enter Donald Trump.

     To us, the problem here is twofold.  The nationalization has marked securities prices up to overextended levels as investor money that used to go into sovereign debt, can't - the return is way too low - so increasingly desperate market participants have been bidding up everything else that provides them with decent, but less safe, income.  Concurrently, for many years now a currency war has systemically altered the amount of foreign earnings American corporations report to shareholders while pretty much the entire world has been gimmicking U.S. Dollar exchange rates to undercut our prices on goods sold from here.  Both sides to the problem may have set the stage for some kind of global recession/depression if the trends get reversed.  

     Looks like President Trump will be reversing both of them too, given what the candidate has said so far.  To us, that's why Wall Street adamantly opposes The Donald.  They've got a good thing going under socialized financial markets.

     Getting back to capitalism would ruin everything.

September 4, 2016

Negative Interest Rates and the Mafia Annuity

     Rocco "Quick Sauce" Corleone wants to set up a Mafia Annuity for five elderly capos, and he tells Vito "Beancounter" Borrellione to do the math.  The Mafia Annuity is the one where you have a capo depart, don't ask how, at the end of every five year period, but on the last day of each plan month all capos get a black satchel filled with cash for as long as they remain undeparted.  The final satchels delivered to the soon-to-be departeds (offed right then and there mostly) get returned to Quick Sauce, along with everything in the departed's pockets and his bling, so there's no need for management fees, especially with the bling.  Monthly satchels are tossed out a limo window by the largest of six or seven goons in a drive-by, tailed once every five years by a marinara delivery truck carrying the Corleone clean-up crew.

     Quick Sauce tells the capos they're putting up three big ones each as lump sum payment for their generous and affordable policies, and Beancounter spreads the numbers, showing up at The MacDougal Post for review by our in-house CPA, who gives the spreadsheet the kind of meticulous attention to detail accountants reserve for financials like this in trying to keep their shinbones from being attacked by baseball bats.

     The printout is correct.  $15 million gross lump sum payment, $3 million apiece from 5 annuitants, 900 total satchels out the limo window, 60 a year in years 1 through 5, 48 per in years 6-10, 36 per in years 11-15, 24 in years 16-20 and 12 in years 21-25.  Gross lump sum divided by total satchels equals $16,666.67 a satchel, or $200,000 a year.  

     Not bad, for everyone involved, overlooking an actuarial detail or two.  Okay, five actuarial details if you're following this closely.  CPA wonders what an annuitant would get if he didn't join the death pool and instead set up a $3 million 25 year plan like this for himself.  Answer is....$10,000 per satchel, or $120,000 each year.  Mafia Annuity turns out to be much better, aforementioned actuarial detail(s) overlooked.  Problem here begins in the 26th year, the geezer-outlives-his-money-thing that financial advisers occasionally place a distant second to their hands (both usually) in your aging pockets too.

     CPA notes that Quick Sauce isn't assuming any return on that gross lump sum.  Zilch.  No return at all.  The don has obviously considered the impact negative interest rates are likely to have on the insurance industry.  Quick Sauce ain't gonna pay no bank no money to buy no bond.  He'll hold up the joint first.

     Google "Mafia Annuity" and you might get googled yourself at the local FBI office, only they've got better google than you, so CPA decides not to do that.  Instead he compares that $3 million 25 year individual plan with no investment return with the same exact thing returning 7% a year - that is, each and every single year for 25 of them, you earn 7% on the principal.

     That $10,000 a month, or $120,000 a year with no investment return at all, more than doubles if you get 7% on your money, a number often cited as the historical return on common stock investments, becoming $21,203 a month, or 
$254,441 annually.

          Before the Financial Apocalypse of 2007-08, major insurance companies were held in the highest regard by Wall Street.  Industry leaders understood their books and backed prudently-calculated liability estimates with gilt-edged investments across the entire risk window, assuring that appropriate financing would be there whenever needed.  People had reason to believe that these operations would continue to run like clockwork for as far as a seer's eye could see.  The knowledgeable investor had at least a couple of life and/or property and casualty outfits in the portfolio, maybe a dash of reinsurance and broker/agency exposure as well.

     Then came the AIG bailout and, with it, this new thing called a derivative, throwing in some really scary counter-party risks through what struck us as the surprise emergence of seemingly thousands of crazy-ass speculators embedded inside our money markets, for goodness sakes, and the insurance business-model just seemed to blow up in The Street's face, like all of a sudden too.

     Since then, we've been watching another weapon of mass destruction creep silently into position for a second colossal smackdown: negative interest rates.  Only recently has the potential catastrophic impact of this central planning fiasco fallen into our intermediate term forecasts, so we're compelled to pass along our thoughts to you.

     And we just did.  The unknowns are formidable here, and the only numbers we can draw on come from that non-existent Mafia Annuity example.  It's clear to us the insurance industry may have to make some big changes, the nature of which we can only surmise, hence that's unpublishable for now.  Is a switch from bonds to direct real estate investments in the works?  How about buying up corporations to hold and manage them a la Warren Buffett.  Will policies become far more expensive in the future?  Will contracts have to be rewritten?  We don't pretend to know the questions here, let alone the answers.

     Finally, remember the Mafia Annuity structure?  You know, where Rocco "Quick Sauce" Corleone had an annuitant depart, don't ask how, at the end of every five year period.  That's an Ordinary Annuity, and for those of you who went ahead and asked how anyway, the don can just as easily draw up an Annuity Due, where an annuitant departs at the beginning of every five year period.

     Lets hope Quick Sauce didn't find out you asked.


August 29, 2016


     One often reads that we are passing along the outsized costs of today's government to future generations, but that is wrong.  We are not.  They are, they being members of the American Communist Party, who came out of the closet upon nationalizing the Treasury bond market a while back to keep themselves in power.  Under the former free market system, interest on the burgeoning federal debt would've risen to appropriately outrageous levels, driving voters to send these failed politicians packing.  That free stuff everyone talks about is only free by way of illusionary diversion.  A magic trick.  In reality, investors are already paying a devastating price for it through their loss of secure income from what used to be safe investments before the commies severed government's longstanding pact with the people to conduct its financial affairs responsibly.  The other shoe is scheduled to drop at some point in the future with one humdinger of an economic breakdown, followed by the mother of all Great Depressions.

     We here at The Post feel that these two events will be rolled into one with the simple acknowledgement that our beleaguered nation became The United Communist States of America with the aforementioned nationalization, the transition peacefully consummated some years later with the central bank acquiring 51% of every common stock held in the public arena.

     No runaway inflation.  No market crash.  Simply the total loss of personal freedom.  That will be the economic humdinger, followed by the mother of all Great Depressions: life under communist rule.  It will start with the cessation of all dividend payments, based, of course, on legal stockholder votes, concurrently replaced with deposits of egalitarian amounts from the United States Department of Health and Human Services.  Egalitarian in the sense that single mothers with large numbers of mouths to feed obviously need bigger bank deposits than you.

     No, we are not passing along squat to future generations.  They are.  People, it's long past time to correct anyone who says otherwise.

August 19, 2016

Armed Robbery, Brazilian Style

     A recent incident outside the Olympic Village had four American swimmers handing over their wallets to gunman after three of the boys were ordered down on their knees and demands had been made of a fourth to do so at gunpoint.  The Brazilian government claims this was not a holdup because the gunmen were "security staff" making the boys pay for something they'd broken.  Later, officials took two of the athletes off their flight home and seized their passports to make them say whatever the government wanted them to say before being allowed to leave the country.  A photo-op demonstration was staged at the airport, stooges chanting "liars", when the two walked through the terminal after being released by interrogators.

   Meanwhile, the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) issued a statement apologizing for something, though it wasn't clear what, stating, in part, that "an argument ensued between the athletes and two armed gas station security staff, who displayed their weapons, ordered the athletes from their vehicle and demanded the athletes provide a monetary payment."

     Ignoring whatever precipitated the armed robbery as irrelevant, how is that last part not armed robbery?  We're told this wasn't the only Olympics-related holdup, and are anxiously awaiting an explanation of the laws in Brazil, if any, covering gunmen loose in the streets.

     This story comes at a time when Americans are wondering why we're being screwed through trade agreements all across the globe.  Maybe the day has arrived to pull out of these POS treaties with these POS countries, and the games are just showing us why.

August 11, 2016

Their Current Market Forecasts

     We hate to keep repeating ourselves, but nobody else seems to get it.  Central bankers have successfully nationalized the United States Treasury bond market, and because the commie propaganda machine has been looking the other way, all guruland is pretending like it never happened.

     Do you think our Central Party is going to privatize anything they've gotten their filthy pinko hands on?

     Of course not, and such being the case, we will never see a secular rise in interest rates again.  Since our totalitarian leadership in Washington intends to eliminate the need to ever pay the free market cost of uncontrolled commie spending,  the fraud of calling these obscenities "interest rates" will continue, bringing whatever they really are close to zero, OR LOWER, and keep them there.  As Federal budget deficits are just going to sky higher and higher into the financial stratosphere, any hope that the Trotskyites will return debt financing to a free market arena is laughable.

     That makes large cap, blue chip, dividend-paying stocks the only major public source of long term income that won't screw the income investor over when future maturity dates roll around.  Oh, you can hold T-Bonds for "safety" if you ignore inflation, or as trading vehicles, but the risk involved in considering any long term debt instrument for income has gone off the charts under current Marxist rule.

     Face it, the sector of our stock market that contains the aforementioned issues, as tracked by their own very specific indices such as, for example, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, will have to just keep going up, up, up over time.  The law of (diminishing) supply (through buybacks) and (increasing) demand will make it so.  Price action has been reflecting this "market theme" for a while now, and that's not going to change any time soon.  Ever, if the commies are allowed to run amuck, as the propagandists' treatment of Donald Trump's Presidential campaign suggests they will.

     Valued subscribers, please keep these points in mind when reading any financial forecast that scrolls across your screen.  Without going here, the depressing place we've just shown you, today's fortune teller has no idea what he/she is going on about.

     And, near as we can tell, possibly never will.

August 7, 2016

Our Current Market Forecasts

     The 1% got the bulk of its money by pilfering ownership interest from middle class shareholders through a massive theft of Average Joe's family savings deliberately mislabeled "stock options".  Over the past 36 years and counting, CEO's and them have used these criminal asset seizures to obscenely enrich themselves and pay off politicians for enabling such elicit activities, the pack of them coalescing into the Central Party that now runs Washington.

     More recently, central bankers across the globe have shut down free markets in sovereign bonds pretty much everywhere important as a means of preventing wild-spending politicians from facing the kind of interest rates that would've otherwise driven them from power.

     Today, investors far and wide are confronted with the wealth confiscation tax deliberately mislabeled "negative interest rates".  Under any kind of economic theory that makes sense, actual interest rates stop at zero.  Quoting anything lower than that is simply misdirection - the con artist's way of telling you he's not levying a tax on anyone now suckered into, or required to, pay a tax to park money with some governmental financial arm.

     To the extent that numbnuts everywhere accept the frauds and the fraudulent terms without as much as casting a wary eye at these big time crooks, the world probably deserves what it's getting: totalitarian communist rule.

     None of this could've been foretold, so we at your MacDougal Post have decided to go there to find out where it'll all head next.  Taking into consideration everything we can possibly predict that couldn't possibly be predicted to actually happen as of this point in time, your staff has come up with the following forecast:

     1) neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton will be elected to run the country during the next presidential term; (our best guess: this probably means that Bill Clinton will return to power through the back First Hubby door);

     2) U.S. financial markets will continue to advance broadly for at least 4 more years, dropping interest rates on all investment grade bonds, including corporates, into that wealth confiscation tax zone and lowering dividend yields on blue chip large caps down remarkably closer to zero than the kind of integers the world has gotten accustomed to seeing over our former years of free market capitalism;

     3) China will pull off another statistical hoax convincing the world government propaganda machine that the age of dramatic global economic prosperity has reawakened, and numbers everywhere will start spraying forth in epic growth mode once again.

July 24, 2016

Non-GAAP Earnings

     In the comparably normal times of yesterdays past, homeowners generally could expect the value of his/her/their house to appreciate over the period of time that he/she/they would be holding it.  Convert the casa to a rental property, however, and you found that Uncle Sam let you assume otherwise, and take a hefty depreciation charge against rental income based on a fictional view that the property would inexplicably now lose value over those years.  Furthermore, the accounting profession, through its Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), sided with Sammy there.  Go public with this venture, and in their annual and quarterly reports, shareholders would receive the fictional account of what was not really going on here.

     Such nonsense occurs all over the business world's books and records, and not just with depreciation either - or because of Uncle Sammy.

     Our staff CPA started out as a Wall Street security analyst back in a prior century.  At that time, he and his compadres adjusted all kinds of stuff so that investors could see what they needed to by way of earnings, basically the number of greenback dollars really earned for shareholders and actually available for corporate purposes, including but not limited to stockholder dividends, capital projects, and reserves.  (In the above realty example, big bucks that had been classified as annual depreciation would usually get reduced to the relative pennies spent on asset maintenance.)

     CEOs and them always chafed at this process.  It made them look bad.  Like they were reporting fictional numbers, which they were, and using real secret numbers to run the business, which they also were.  So, wisely, CEOs and them decided to do something about their pathetic street cred.

     In today's times, corporate America has rightfully grabbed the bull by the horns and appropriately reports both of the numbers that have always been needed, GAAP earnings and non-GAAP earnings.  Our guy says this is the way it should be.  Accounting jocks with access to the real books and records are doing the due diligence rather than seat-of-the-pants-quant-flyboys like him.

     Some would have you think otherwise.  Surly reprobates would have you believe that GAAP produces some kind of holy word sanctified by an accounting religious order.  Valued subscribers, that is a crock.  Whatever the issues are with an earnings number, or all of the earnings numbers as some ill-mannered, bookkeeping-disadvantaged, agenda-proclaiming commentators incorrectly postulate, the sanctity of GAAP is not among them.

     Non-GAAP was, is, and probably will always be, the only way to give shareholders an important and inescapable part of everything they sorely need to know.

July 10, 2016

Impeach Obama

    The nation is at war with allied guerrilla military forces successfully operating on two fronts.  Both the Muslim peoples and the Black Race are deploying copycat tactics, massing non-combatants at strategic points on the battlefield to hide the assault teams launching their deadly attacks.  With the death of five officers and the wounding of six more by a sniper concealed among throngs of what enemy propaganda would have us believe was a "peaceful demonstration" in Dallas, the time has come to take appropriate action: 1) declare war and 2) call in the National Guard to protect civilian policemen from what clearly has, as stated by the latest insurrectionist, become unlawful assembly by enemies of the White Race specifically intended to establish the killing zone for their guerrillas whenever and wherever such uprisings are staged by enemy leaders, 3) identify and arrest the rebel leadership organizing this widespread unlawful assembly, 4) deploy armed military force to destroy sharia law as it pops up throughout the land, and 5) impeach Barack Hussein Obama II, whose wanton inaction has made this bloodthirsty outbreak happen.

     Enough is enough, America.  Take your country back.

July 8, 2016

The Enemy Strikes Again

     In the aftermath of the latest incursion against the White Race, in which, at latest count, 5 policemen were murdered by the insurrectionist(s) and 7 more wounded, propaganda organs serving the Central Party in Washington came out firing their own volleys, against truth, of course:  1) the NY Times passes the incident off as a mere "ambush" while the NY Post is censured mercilessly for appropriately citing "Civil War" in its headline, 2) a former congressman is accused of trying to do Obama harm for pointing out that the racist s%n%f#b!tch incredulously fueled this kind of violence with treasonous comments after that lowlife got gunned down attempting to grab an officer's weapon while fleeing a robbery the lout had just pulled off in Ferguson, Missouri, 3) the American Communist Party (still functioning under the pseudonym, "Democratic" Party all these months after central bankers seized the U.S. Treasury bond market, effectively nationalizing it to keep the wild-spending commies in power) accelerated calls for gun control to keep Whites from shooting back, and 4) nihilists throughout the pinko media pulled out a Huffington Post piece from last April telling us "Rival White Supremacist Groups Unite to Fight 'Race War'".

     Your MacDougal Post staff suggests that valued subscribers who haven't signed on yet use the Huffington list as a starting point in determining where you'd fit in best.  The White Supremacist Groups mentioned there are:

1. Loyal White Knights
2. National Socialist Movement
3. Aryan Nations
4. Texas Rebel Knights
5. America First Committee (Art Jones)
6. Racial Nationalist Party of America
7. SS Action Group
8. Phinias Priesthood
9. Aryan Strikeforce
11. Pacific Coast Knights of the KKK
12. Racial Volunteer Force
13. Great Lakes Knights KKK
14. Werwolf 88
15. Aryan Terror Brigade
16. White Nationalist Front (Canada)
17. Authoritarian Party
18. White Wolves Invictus
19. United Society of Aryan Skinheads - USAS
20. Nordic Order Knights KKK

21. Traditionalist Workers Party

July 1, 2016

Stock Valuation under Commiecapitalism

     If, as we have repeatedly suggested in these pages, our formerly capitalist nation began to fall under communist control with the nationalization of the US Treasury bond market a while back, and, following Japan's lead, central bank ownership will spread to corporate bonds and ultimately stocks, then what does the future hold?  For starters, the day could come when one branch of the government or another would seize all financial assets they don't already own and replace our electronic interest and dividend payments with electronic welfare payments.  At that point all marketable securities would be valued at zero.

     Fortunately, rising stock prices seem to tell a different story.

     Commie China has been playing at faux capitalism for some time now, establishing zones of commerce, industry, and finance that pinko officials allege are owned by private interests even though the Communist Party has not ceded control over so much as one single thing ever over there, retaining the right to pull the Marxist rug out from under whatever it wants any time it so chooses via this weird kind of whatever-it-takes due process officials dream up after the fact to justify anything they need to get away with once all is said and done.  They even print stock certificates in Red China, just like we do, and say that private interests own them, again just like we do, and trade their faux stocks in faux stock markets, and everybody involved pretends the state doesn't own everything in commie China even though it really does and has a serious habit of shooting anybody who says otherwise about anything the party says.

     Could that, or something like it, be happening here?

     Sure.  Since we're really talking about the American Liberal now, a nut case if ever there was one,  anything's possible.  One look at the lying, fleecing scum they've got running for President until the bitch gets indicted should tell you that the do-and-say-anything-you-freaking-want part of commie governance is alive and well in our backyard too.

     Such being the case, how should the investor value his/her holdings in the event we're falling under some Chinese style faux capitalist commie wonton soup of a socioeconomic structure?

     Lets take a look at an old favorite of MacDougal's, this sweet electric utility outfit that's been an industry leader for as long as anyone alive can remember, a gilt-edge blue chipper if ever there was one.  It shall remain anonymous as there's no sense dragging a pristine name through Americal liberal commie wonton soup mud just because our valued subscribers need to know what they're worth under the spreading waves of Marxism sweeping across our beleaguered amber plains of Red America these days.

     Selling for 85, Anonymous Electric yields a tad under 4% with a price:earnings ratio (PE) rounded up to 19x on earnings per share (EPS) close to $4.50.  The stock has been making a bull run as investors are thinking 1) everything central bankers say is a crock and 2) Washington will never be paying the bond-holding public appropriate rates of interest on Treasury bonds ever again.  Utility stocks and them have turned into an oasis of much-needed dependable income for all kinds of wandering victims of unrestrained commie American Liberal spend-all-you-want politics.

     The balance sheet carries $38 billion in long term debt and $40 billion of shareholder equity, and management pays interest expense that's a bit under $2 billion before arriving at diluted net income a touch over $3 billion.  Interestingly, on the books the company gives bondholders close to 4% interest, about what the stock yields today.  What all this means is, under Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP), if Anonymous eliminates interest expense by refinancing its long term debt at zero interest, EPS jumps 35% to something a bit over $6.00, after screwing with the after-tax effect.  Under Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP), should bondholders have to pay the company 4% a year to "invest" in their bonds, EPS climbs to almost $8.00, a pop just under 45%, after the aforementioned screwing with.

     If the PE holds at almost 19, Anonymous stock pops 45% too under NIRP.  Given the insane conditions we're left with, however, where you pay the company 4% to "invest" in their bonds or they pay you 4% if you hold their stock, one can conservatively assume that the PE on that stock would rise exponentially, at least doubling.  More realistically, the forecaster might call for a PE explosion of something like fourfold, maybe ten times or more, depending on how many abused bondholders are forced to jump into utility stocks and when.  Remember, reader, business risk disappears when bondholders give the company cash each year to hold company bonds.  If management screws up, THE CEO AND THEM GET FREE MONEY TO PAPER IT OVER WITH!  Look at that this way, Anonymous isn't just being subsidized through ZIRP/NIRP.  Being a great big blue chip industry leader, Anonymous is part and parcel of the Federal Government here, at least the company's entire financial end.  

     That puts our ZIRP forecast of Anonymous stock prices at something between 300 and 3,000 under conditions that call for bondholders to pay Anonymous 4% a year on Anonymous bonds.  That's up somewhat more than handsomely from a current price of 85, you will recall.

     Conversely, under the aforementioned case where American Liberal commies seize all financial assets and replace personal interest and dividend income with welfare checks, Anonymous stock would be valued at zero, along with everything else in the portfolio.

     Extrapolating this analysis, we feel it would be prudent for our valued subscribers to incorporate both forecasts into their long range financial planning, assuming that in the long run one's net worth will be valued within a range of 1) something like 10 to 15 times what it is today or 2) zero, depending on which way it goes with the fruitcakes in Red Washington.

     Hope that helps all of you out.  If the crystal ball clears up any, we'll be sure to let you know.

     Hey, chill.  We're doing the best we can here.

June 27, 2016

Brexit vs 1% Utopia

     A presupposition throughout Guruland that Brexit means the Brits will abandon ZIRP/NIRP (zero interest rate policy/negative interest rate policy) and the rest of it, and spark a global return to free market capitalism fails to address the core issue.  Commie policies like ZIRP/NIRP have been adopted by central bankers worldwide to keep failed wild-spending politicians in office.  Are there no failed wild-spending politicians languishing in Great Britain?  Why would pols there want to give up the enormous power grab spawned by pinko bureaucrats that's brought central party members into permanent total control of their hapless electorates?  Are the 1% and their political lapdogs anywhere going to give up constant asset appreciation in a world where everyone else loses economic ground year after year after year?

     We think not, but only time will tell.  Whatever, there are no answers coming from those in a position to know.

     The Post holds to its projection that twenty years from now our leaders will announce that the United States has been transitioned into a communist nation over the previous two decades, starting with the nationalization of the Treasury bond market, and the peaceful revolution is done.  The next day, your dividend payments will stop, and our subscribers will get emails informing us that monthly stipends from the Department of Health and Human Services have begun.


June 8, 2016

Will a Brexit Topple the EU?

     A British exit from the European Union leads to a total breakup - with France next.  The Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard tackles the reasons why grave unrest over socioeconomic issues all across Europe could grow into political upheaval: 

June 2, 2016

Mars by 2025

     The entrepreneur who wants to colonize Mars first, leaving settlement of the relatively nearby moon to the professionals, has put a date to his wild-eyed plan: launch by 2024, meaning ETA is only 9 years away.  Valued subscribers, if Hollywood ever sets out to make a science fiction movie about our times, now would seem the perfect moment for those opening credits to roll:

     Break out the popcorn and await the first astounding twist in what'll surely turn out to be a captivating, star-studded plot.

June 1, 2016

Pyramid Building and China

     In Ancient Egypt, sovereign projects constructing humongous objects of, at best, questionable economic value ushered in prosperous times.  Somehow, massive monoliths carved from stone quarried at faraway sites were dragged, carted, barged, tugged, pushed/pulled on rollers, or otherwise lugged, and likely manhandled into place, piled atop one another in ways scholars can't begin to explain, let alone agree upon, today.

     The sophistry of John Maynard Keynes has fallen into this very same category over his recent NIRP ZIRP era.  Only, the pyramids remain, looted but still basking under their brutal desert sun, while worldwide, economic structures built by Keynesian theory lie in shambles, crumbling to the ground.

     Looking away from the failed hooey of academia and casting one eye on the ancients and the other on our commie friends in China, modern man can see a sure way out of his current economic malaise ....

     Build more empty cities.  Lots more.  Tear the old ones down if you want, pulverize everything, and begin anew.  Or not.  Just build more.  What difference does it make, how many empty cities you have?  What difference did it make, how many pyramids they had?  Millennia from now, people will marvel at what we will have done.

     Everybody join in.  New York City is way overcrowded.  Build New York City 2.  If somebody moves in, all the better, and they will in many, many places.  London 2, Paris 2, Mexico City 2.

     Mexico City 3, Mexico City 4, and Mexico Cities 5 through 9 if Donald Trump gets elected.

     And while we're at it, lets get rid of the central bankers too.  Keynes needed a banking system to screw with, and we probably ought to keep that, but you can eliminate the means by which his extravagant poppycock has thrown the world into a Lords of Finance forex free-for-all amidst backbreaking debt raised by failed politicians kept in power through an attack on savers, the very people who are any economy's greatest strength.

     Dump them all.  With demand side economics, or supply side, a case to keep central bankers around could be made, well conceivably anyway, but under pyramid side economic theory, we won't be needing a single one.