
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

October 5, 2016

This Week in the Comics

The Adventures of SuperDonald

Man of Deal

     While her underling went and got himself all beat up in a televised debate against the Man of Deal's loyal second in command, who, of course, had Truth, Justice, and the American Way on his teleprompter, Crazy-Eye, distaff half of the Washington power couple demanding his and hers presidencies from victimized voters, stayed in to collapse out of public view - if it hit again - and count her money.  What "it" is hasn't been revealed yet as penile half, Slingin' Willy, took to the airwaves to explain that what's happened before hasn't happened before, enabling media cronies to suggest maybe her shoes were too tight or she had a tummy ache or indigestion or something, or... or... or simply felt like lying down on the curb to enjoy the sunny day since whatever it was wasn't overheating or contageous pneumomia or anything like that at all.  Ever.  As for that money she was busy counting, Crazy-Eye had plenty to add up.  News reports revealed that the power couple could strongarm top dollar kickbacks from beholden Arab potentates for State Department efforts to finally let ragheads buy every manner of U. S. military warbird capable of flying a nuclear payload over sworn enemy Israel.  Her Sate Department, that would be.

     Elsewhere on the campaign trail, SuperDonald flew Trump One into downtown Vegas, only it was announced that Maria Sharapova had just signed up for a tennis tournament there, so you couldn't find anything from the local propaganda machine about the Man of Deal, only tennis stuff and/or Russian stuff and/or Russian tennis players stuff, so our superhero kind of went underground, or at least underreported, temporarily out of sight too.

     Meanwhile, in total secrecy as always, the evil Planet of the Apes White House continued waging war against the White Race, apparently following some paper Monkey-Face wrote in college outlining how Cornelius should channel community activism into 1) taking down the White police, 2) turning Arians into a minority population through mass illegal immigration, 3) bringing large numbers of Muslim teenagers into the country to mass murder Whites, 4) closing the Ghettos to relocate all inner-city Blacks into affluent White suburbs, 5) increasing the proportion of Blacks in Government, and 6) launching both welfare payments and income tax rates up to nosebleed heights as a means of ultimately enslaving the soon-to-be lower class Whites and making them work for this new obscenely wealthy Black ruling class.

     Things looked grimmer and grimmer in the fancier neighborhoods outside Gotham City as the weeks rolled by.  Could SuperDonald still save the day?  Or would he encamp in Sin City, pick up some Nikes and a fashionable pair of high-end shorts, and ditch the race for some Russki-born tennis lovely?

     Only time will tell, valued subscribers.  Only time will tell.