
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 29, 2016


     One often reads that we are passing along the outsized costs of today's government to future generations, but that is wrong.  We are not.  They are, they being members of the American Communist Party, who came out of the closet upon nationalizing the Treasury bond market a while back to keep themselves in power.  Under the former free market system, interest on the burgeoning federal debt would've risen to appropriately outrageous levels, driving voters to send these failed politicians packing.  That free stuff everyone talks about is only free by way of illusionary diversion.  A magic trick.  In reality, investors are already paying a devastating price for it through their loss of secure income from what used to be safe investments before the commies severed government's longstanding pact with the people to conduct its financial affairs responsibly.  The other shoe is scheduled to drop at some point in the future with one humdinger of an economic breakdown, followed by the mother of all Great Depressions.

     We here at The Post feel that these two events will be rolled into one with the simple acknowledgement that our beleaguered nation became The United Communist States of America with the aforementioned nationalization, the transition peacefully consummated some years later with the central bank acquiring 51% of every common stock held in the public arena.

     No runaway inflation.  No market crash.  Simply the total loss of personal freedom.  That will be the economic humdinger, followed by the mother of all Great Depressions: life under communist rule.  It will start with the cessation of all dividend payments, based, of course, on legal stockholder votes, concurrently replaced with deposits of egalitarian amounts from the United States Department of Health and Human Services.  Egalitarian in the sense that single mothers with large numbers of mouths to feed obviously need bigger bank deposits than you.

     No, we are not passing along squat to future generations.  They are.  People, it's long past time to correct anyone who says otherwise.