
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 7, 2016

Our Current Market Forecasts

     The 1% got the bulk of its money by pilfering ownership interest from middle class shareholders through a massive theft of Average Joe's family savings deliberately mislabeled "stock options".  Over the past 36 years and counting, CEO's and them have used these criminal asset seizures to obscenely enrich themselves and pay off politicians for enabling such elicit activities, the pack of them coalescing into the Central Party that now runs Washington.

     More recently, central bankers across the globe have shut down free markets in sovereign bonds pretty much everywhere important as a means of preventing wild-spending politicians from facing the kind of interest rates that would've otherwise driven them from power.

     Today, investors far and wide are confronted with the wealth confiscation tax deliberately mislabeled "negative interest rates".  Under any kind of economic theory that makes sense, actual interest rates stop at zero.  Quoting anything lower than that is simply misdirection - the con artist's way of telling you he's not levying a tax on anyone now suckered into, or required to, pay a tax to park money with some governmental financial arm.

     To the extent that numbnuts everywhere accept the frauds and the fraudulent terms without as much as casting a wary eye at these big time crooks, the world probably deserves what it's getting: totalitarian communist rule.

     None of this could've been foretold, so we at your MacDougal Post have decided to go there to find out where it'll all head next.  Taking into consideration everything we can possibly predict that couldn't possibly be predicted to actually happen as of this point in time, your staff has come up with the following forecast:

     1) neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton will be elected to run the country during the next presidential term; (our best guess: this probably means that Bill Clinton will return to power through the back First Hubby door);

     2) U.S. financial markets will continue to advance broadly for at least 4 more years, dropping interest rates on all investment grade bonds, including corporates, into that wealth confiscation tax zone and lowering dividend yields on blue chip large caps down remarkably closer to zero than the kind of integers the world has gotten accustomed to seeing over our former years of free market capitalism;

     3) China will pull off another statistical hoax convincing the world government propaganda machine that the age of dramatic global economic prosperity has reawakened, and numbers everywhere will start spraying forth in epic growth mode once again.