
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

November 9, 2016

This Week in the Comics


     Truth, Justice, and the American Way spoke out loud and clear on Tuesday as the champion landlord ushered in a trend-setting, upscale new day for his beloved White Man, rendering political corruption, free-stuff diversity, and just plain bad taste, frumpy outfits, and flat-out blood-curdling bad-hair days totally unfashionable from this glorious moment on, sending Scary Eye and Slingin' Willy to the smelly dung heap of History - hopefully for good this time.

     By Wednesday morning, Rosie, DeNiro, and them, seemingly constituting at least the dumber half of Hollywood, were presumably scrambling to find another country goofy enough to let them live in.  Whether or not any of the no-talent hams would make good on vows to leave this one if The Cappuccino Crusader whipped their crooked, lying beeatch, vows noted by former fans all across the birthland, would, of course, be another story.

     Never missing a chance to screw over their customers, the Wall Street Crime Families trashed stocks in pre-hour trading Wednesday, the "two" in one-two punch, which, following nationalization of the U.S. Treasury Bond market orchestrated by Dons on loan to Government during the Financial Apocalypse, was designed to double citizens over with a gut shot for voting to take rigged-market capitalism away from them.

     FBI agents rejoiced at the news of our Man of Deal's great victory more than anybody as G-Men everywhere looked forward to adding the Director's name to whatever they've got going with the Terrible Tandem's illegal shenanigans, truly evil monkey business that the gentleman at Wikileaks has been leaking all over for months now.

     As dawn broke across America, White men everywhere began to feel like they really could HAVE A NICE DAY, smiley and all - if people would just stop saying that all the damn time.  Like everywhere you go, it's HAVE A NICE DAY, SIR, HAVE A NICE DAY, MISTER, HAVE A NICE DAY, BIG GUY, HAVE A NICE DAY, HAVE A NICE DAY, HAVE A NICE DAY, HAVE A NICE DAY, HAVE A .... enough already.  I mean, how much of that can a human being be expected to take anyway?

     Besides, SuperDonald won. Gotta be a SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS day, if ever there was one.