
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

September 17, 2016

Deutsche Bank - Fingering the Real Culprits Here

     As our valued subscribers know, prior to the Financial Apocalypse, Democrats all over Washington enabled financial institutions to basically give away mortgages to borrowers who couldn't afford them, and then the addle-brained politicians and complicit bureaucrats pushed lenders into changing business practices to start doing so, in part through vicious, scorched earth, political correctness initiatives, notably demanding the destruction of centuries-old credit standards and implementation of these brand new, crazy-ass policies of 1) low or no down payments 2) bait and switch interest charges, and 3) dumping the resulting worthless paper on blatantly misled investors through fraudulent securitization underwriting operations.

     A few years later, Democrats running the "Justice" Department started in extorting money from shareholders who had absolutely nothing to do with the resulting meltdown, some of whom didn't even hold stock in whatever financial institution was being looted.  We're told that shareholders at American banks have been made to cough up amounts between $3.2 billion and $16.7 billion.

   Yesterday, Deutsche Bank confirmed reports that it has been told to fork over $14 billion from Deutsche's equity balances.  The bank added it has "no intent to settle ... anywhere near the number cited."

     What they really need to do is sue Washington Democrats instead.  Pretty much all of them.  They're the ones who did this to us.  The crooks who really need to pay.  If $14 billion is the number "Justice" Department Democrats have settled on, then Democrats all over Washington should be called upon to come up with it.