
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

April 1, 2015

Health Warning

     Recently former Fed Tyrant Ben Bananas published a Commie-minded line of drivel claiming he didn't throw seniors under the bus when he started grabbing all the T-bonds seniors relied on for retirement income in the past and had his Trotskyite regime take them off the market and if he did throw seniors under the bus, it was the resulting rigged market that marked interest rates so low seniors couldn't live off those nonexistent T-bonds anyway if the Central Party hadn't bought them all up in the first place - the resulting rigged market and not him.

     Arcane theory, Comrade Bananas attempts to blow up your a$$, trumps the reality that you have no safe source of reliable, Government guaranteed f#ck!ng interest income anymore. 

     Here at the Post it's our policy to withhold links to anything that makes MacDougal throw up, so we didn't give that one to you, and staff strongly suggests that you , as well as everyone else in the nation, avoid any close contact with the nauseating Bananas babble and, as the despot threatened to turn our beloved internet into a vomitorium and write more intelligence-insulting prattle that doesn't even mention the recent Communist takeover in Washington, our Editor-in-Chief urges subscribers to never ever set eyes on any stomach-turning thing else the pinko Stalinist former Fed Tyrant scribbles in the future.

     You'll be tossing your cookies all morning long if you do.