
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

March 29, 2015

How Communism Strengthens its Grip

     Way back in the 1960's, it became clear to some in the investment arena that the then-existing pension concept had to fail.  Total plan assets, projected to be way bigger than those of the corporations themselves, were destined to become juicy targets.  There was simply too much money involved.  Funds set aside for retirement income represented low-lying fruit, there for the picking.  All CEO's and them had to do was figure out how to get their hands on it.

       And figure, they did.  In the end, obligations went unfunded, with a chunk of the industry "rescued" by another Washington takeover, most of the rest slickly replaced by the 401(k) movement, which made individual workers responsible for providing their own retirement income.  That approach was clearly insane.  Workers who didn't earn enough money to save what they needed got sentenced to poverty in their later years, the rest fed to the periodic feeding frenzy of Wall Street sharks.

     Today, we're told, the average 401(k) has maybe $18,000 in it, with accounts of workers nearing retirement age averaging a touch over $75,000, preposterous sums for people already inadequately provided for by a social security system that stiffs working men and women in order to provide a free ride for the Welfare Queen and her layabout court elsewhere on the Federal books.

     Hey, we have to.  Bitch riots in the streets if you don't.

     So what's a nation to do?

     Turn conservative, that's what.  Even more conservative than you already are, if such is the case.  It's all politics with this particular issue - and so many more these days - and here at the Post we're sold on the obvious - the Liberal agenda has turned destructionist so that they can break Capitalism, finger it as the problem and then replace our entire culture with what they represent as the only solution, Communist control.

     Look up the word, "Communism".  It's become the political counterpart of socialism, an exclusively economic system.  The Central Party in Washington declared its Communist roots the moment The Fed took down our free-market in US Treasury obligations to prevent interest rates from holding Commie-minded politicians responsible for their wild-spending ways.  This country is already in ruin, devastated by budget-busting Liberals, and the Central Party has effected what is, by definition, a Communist takeover to save their collective ass.

     They've gotten away with it, due in large part to a complicit media, and there can only be more encroaching control to come.  Under their rule, nothing will be done to solve the 401(k) problem because nothing needs to.  Soon, and we project that to be in a few short years unless they're stopped, your dividend checks will be replaced by the universal Government stipend, and a full Communist takeover will be in effect.

     Keep your eye on efforts to solve the pension problem.  That's the canary in the coal mine.  Once they die out, Communism is one Executive Order away.

     Driving retirees into poverty en masse is the best shot they've got.  Be forewarned, they are going to take it - if an uninformed electorate lets them.