
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

April 19, 2015

No Ivy Leaguer Left Behind

     A political act, seizure of the US Treasury Bond market, has done what rhetoric could never achieve: place the nation under provisionary communist control.  It’s crippling effect, preventing capitalism from holding pinko politicians responsible for their wild-spending ways, will soon turn deadly, the American way of life snuffed out by mutant New Deal Great Society Obamacare fiends who rule with one, and only one, objective in mind: usurping personal power through the suffocating death grip that Stalinism wrings around its citizens’ economic necks.

     They don’t care about “civil rights”.  They don’t care about “diversity”.  Or “equality” or “redistribution” or any headline-grabbing thing else that comes out of their lying mouths.  It’s all about taking his/her place in the hierarchy that rises to permanent supremacy in the traditional communist structure, where the inconvenience of voting is no longer necessary as the all-seeing ruling class knows what’s best for the country, not her uninformed masses.

     What matters is taking one’s piece of the throne.

     That’s already how the sitting Commie-in-Chief governs - by executive order.  He doesn’t live in a democratic society, and never has.  He lives in the anarchistic fantasyland that is Trotskyism.  There, POTUS is the one who puts the rest of us under totalitarian control.

     Witnessing pinko politicians pull all this off over the years has been difficult enough, but equally disturbing has been the abject failure of opposing politicians to identify recent events for what they really are – closing-game moves in the Cloward-Piven plan formulated at Columbia University decades ago and systematically carried out ever since, the Cloward-Piven plan to eradicate the greatness that is the American heartland and everything about its capitalist White Christian roots.

    That’s the real problem in all this.  Those who should be defending us from the horrors of revolutionary Bolshevism aren’t.  And to address their abject failure, MacDougal has had to ask one basic question.  “What the f#ck is going on around here anyway?”  Fortunately all the answers point to the same d%mn place.

     This country’s leadership class.  The seemingly never-ending pack of Ivy League elites.  Yalies and Harvards come readily to mind, but enough of the rest to make power-mongering through that entitlement network a league thing.  All demonstrating the kind of dimwitted absence of understanding that can only stem from a complete lack of education about the Communist Party in America and how those subversives got away with calling themselves  first “Liberals” and now just “Democrats”- and still do despite the US T-Bond market takeover making them g%dd$m blood-in-the-retirement-income-portfolio commie terrorists today.

     Fortunately, MacDougal has a solution.  While the Ivy League consists pretty much of 1) the addle-brained children of the rich and 2) slippery con artists cheating their way around those inconvenient college entrance exams, there’s still hope for their ilk - if someone can just wire their neglected cranial circuits with the same kind of quality education that still exists elsewhere in this formerly great nation.  Just because some people don’t know their aft parts from a hole in the ground, as the edited version of how our blogger puts it goes, doesn’t mean they can’t learn.

     And how to improve Ivy League schoolwork is even easier than identifying Ivy League schoolwork as what’s wrong.  The Texas State Board of Education, which already does such a wonderful job approving textbooks, curriculum standards, and supplemental materials used in their elementary and secondary schools, is already in place, and can simply add grades 13 through whatever to the existing workload.

          We call it, the No Ivy Leaguer Left Behind Program.  In a country whose future is now decided by falderal and prattle, giving our less-than-great leaders a chance at getting the same quality education the rest of us enjoy, might make all the difference in the world.   Literally.