
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

December 31, 2015

A Sobering Look at the Stock Market in 2016

     Several longstanding dominant trends will continue to impact domestic equity investment through the foreseeable future, including 2016:  1) the slow and steady pilferage of shareholder family savings by management "stock option" flimflams, 2) the pertinacious ebbing tide of repurchased stock being removed from the share count at so many profitable behemoth corporations, and 3) the perverse restructuring of the U. S. labor force with anything other than White Christian male citizens of the United States of America. 

     Corporate management is in the business of making what's yours theirs, and the business description published by any public company engaged in equity compensation is only used as cover for the slippery-fingered purse snatching operation that's been taking place in the footnotes to the Shareholder's Equity section of the Balance Sheet since January 1, 1981.

     Instead of fingering the perps as grifters and prosecuting their blatant bamboozle as grand larceny-family savings, enabling legislation out of Washington showers these bunko artists with a never-ending trickle of whatever wherewithal you and I manage to sock away and "invest" in their swindle, and media dimwits have taken to calling them the 1% rather than the lowlife crooked motherf#cking scum they really are.

     As for the replacement of white Christian male citizens in the labor force, that began with the job obliteration treaties Wigglin' Willy Clinton signed, giving away all those manufacturing jobs we used to have in return for 1) big Asian contributions to Wigglin' Willy's family non-profit and 2) promises of big bucks for Hillary's campaigns so that that bitch could f#ck us some more too.  Currently, the job obliteration initiative has morphed into a "diversity" movement, code for making sure that no White male ever gets a job he's qualified for again.

     In view of the above, enlightened CEO's and them have no choice but to put excess cash to work by buying back their own shares.  Nobody in his right mind would invest in new plant and equipment, or whatever, under conditions such as we see suffocating Truth, Justice, and The American Way today.

     Basically then, American business leaders no longer care whether their company grows or not, just as long as there's enough value in the stock to keep your net worth trickling through their sticky fingers, they're retiring company stock to keep earnings per share high enough to make that happen, and the quality of the domestic labor force has deteriorated to the point where the economy can't possibly grow anyway, so while White investors continue to watch their families and neighborhoods erode, it may begin to dawn on them that keeping the stock market in the crapper goes hand in hand with that too, in which case they'd pull out of the market rather than try to deal with this sh!t, possibly in a big way.

     You may want to think about finding something else to do with your money too.  




December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas

     With all that's going on in today's world, it's easy to lose sight of who we are.  Once again, your MacDougal Post staff asks our valued subscribers to take a moment out of their busy holiday schedules and reflect on what Christmas is really all about:

December 18, 2015

France Takes on the Enemy War Machine. What about Us?

     While Washington continues plotting to expand the Muslim military foothold already established here on our own shores, with civilian support units tucked inside a blatantly superficial religious pretense political apologists are also painstakingly cloaking themselves with, officials in France have begun to crack down on enemy headquarter units, labelled "mosques" by the worldwide Islamic propaganda machine.  Three local HQ's were shuttered in the latest attack, and 334 war-grade weapons seized.  Earlier raids uncovered Kalishnikov rifles, bullet-proof vests, pistols, and a rocket launcher - this in a Liberal culture touted by their kind as one of the toughest gun-control nations in the world.

      One hundred and thirty civilians lost their lives in November's Paris Massacre.  What is our homeland security response to this?  Bringing more enemy infrastructure to our rear lines?

     It's long past time to remove Liberals from office.  The blood of every American downed, and soon to be downed, by homegrown Muslim butchers is already on their hands.  

December 16, 2015

Central Bankers Pretend Economy Has Improved, Raise Benchmark Rates

     The bimbo-led Federal Reserve (Fed) raised short term interest rates today, and like an oversexed floozy faking orgasm to make tonight's guy think he's really something special, postured that the economy is improving - postured by omitting mention of such matters as the 1) missing purchasing power tied to those lost manufacturing jobs now permanently residing in Asia, 2) crippling strength of the U.S. Dollar, 3) suffocating burden of Obamacare, 4) future cost of our exploding national debt, and 5) ginormous number of damaged souls who've left the labor force, never apparently to return, not to mention the 6) Fed's Trotsky-style seizure of the T-Bond market to keep the failed politicians generating all the above in power.

     The interest rate on overnight reverse repurchase agreements, formerly 0%, will rise to .25%, while the interest rate on excess reserves is getting upped from .25% to .50%.  These comprise the floor and ceiling, respectively, for short term interest rates under Fed control, and influence, if not dictate, where short term rates will fall when set everywhere throughout the economy.

     In tribute to the Central Party's success at driving free market capitalism out of Washington's hair, the Fed unabashedly added that, through Stalinist central planning, they would further raise those rates 1% a year over the next three years, ending at 3.3% by 1019.

     Welcome to the UASR (Union of American Socialist Republics), fellow comrades.  Peace-mongering Liberals have pulled off the silent communist revolution as Saul Alinsky (1909-1972) told them to such a short time ago.


December 13, 2015

Back to the Future, Part IV - The Kinder Morgan Nosedive

     Tuesday, Kinder Morgan, Inc. common stock (KMI) hit a low of 15.72, down from its 44.57 April peak.  The bloodletting into 15.72 took out a tad under 9 points in 9 consecutive down days from November 24 to December 8.  That part smacks of collusion.  Back in the day, Wall Street Crime Families scared retail clients out of their investments by engineering precipitous drops like that, following up with the inevitable phone calls by bullying brokers.  Dons loved to do income investors this way.  Got folks living off portfolio dividends and interest to hand their holdings over to the Crime Families at absurd prices by pulling out the Family rug over this curious hole the mob would dig by totally thrashing prices going into the bottom.  

     Nowadays, with the Fed shutting down the T-bond market a while back, Washington has yanked away the primary source of safe investment income for all market participants, adding to the sense of urgency in preserving capital at dire times like this.  From what we've read, more than one guru believes that the Fed played a huge role in setting up what may well turn out to be a Kinder Morgan con.

     Friday, Kinder Morgan, known to us as a great big pipeline outfit and to themselves as the largest energy infrastructure company in North America, filed a Form 8-K informing the Securities and Excuses Commission that one of its directors had left their board.  Turns out the man's partnership, an investment fund management firm, whose sizable KMI holdings had given them the right to nominate a director in the past, had reduced that position below the threshold (2.5% of total outstanding shares), and, no longer having said right, the partnership's nominee resigned.

     Those circumstances recalled a method of short-selling used by the crime families back in the day.  Market makers had to maintain a position in each stock they assumed responsibility for.  In upswings, that would be long, in downswings, they'd reduce the size of that long position or actually go short. Both downswing moves were called "shorting against the box" because the trading desk would eventually restore the original long position at lower price levels.

     It sounds kind of silly to tag this simple practice with a name, only it opened the door for Family traders to run some interesting cons, like "front running" client sell orders - in effect, getting clients to kind of momentarily hold the Family long position for the trading desk - a practice so sophisticated it's against the law, or would be if securities laws came with an actual law enforcement agency actually enforcing actual securities laws.

     Moreover, this Kinder Morgan bloodbath comes with two longstanding non-issues being bandied about as if they were all of a sudden hot-button topics today: 1) to decide how much it should pay in dividends, the company uses Distributable Cash Flow (DCF) instead of net income calculated under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), 2) in determining the certainty of Kinder Morgan's income, hence the quality of its bonds, ratings agencies don't give anywhere near enough weight to the basic need people have to keep warm in the winter.

     Thing is, these non-issues have been around since at least the 1950's, and probably way further back than that since the 50's are when MacDougal started studying this stuff.  We decided to touch base with Emmett Lathrop "Doc" Brown, Ph.D., inventor of the DeLorean Time Machine, to see if MacDougal could go back to those rock 'n' roll days for his valued subscribers.  Maybe talk to some of his old finance professors or something.

     Doc wasn't available and sidekick Marty McFly was off somewhen with him, so MacDougal had to tap into his own Gordon's London Dry Time Machine, and speak with whoever showed up.

WHOEVER (SHOWING UP):  Whattaya want from me?

MACDOUGAL:  Who are you?

WHOEVER:  Does it matter?

MACDOUGAL:  I Suppose not.  Look, about this Kinder Morgan thing ...

WHOEVER (AGITATED):  "Thing"?  "Thing"?  Grand larceny is more like it.  Widows, orphans, seniors getting fleeced.  This nosedive is no "thing", Mac.  It's grand larceny - widows, orphans, and senior retirees.

MACDOUGAL:  Okay, okay.  Point taken.  Look, I brought you here to ask about the 50's.

WHOEVER (STEELY EYED. HEROICALLY FOR THE REST OF THE CUT):  Yeah, the non-issues and shorting against the box. I remember those days well.  And you, you were just a pup then.

MACDOUGAL (FROWNING AT THAT LAST PART, KIND OF STUNG):  How about the non-issues?  Not using GAAP to come up with a dividend payout ratio, and lousy math behind the barely-investment-grade bond ratings.

WHOEVER:  GAAP isn't even GAAP.  That's why we need security analysts.  Kinder Morgan management says they can calculate depreciation precisely, and they can, and GAAP there is basically a joke based on nonsensical numbers, both historical and projected.   As for the ratings, 1) the agencies have never given enough weight to the need you and I have to keep our homes and offices heated, and 2) low interest rates have rendered some of their standards completely irrelevant for a while.

     Management is right on both points.  And security analysts have been looking at them Kinder Morgan's way for more than half a century now.  Why all the fuss over the general public getting let in on these things is a mystery to me.  

MACDOUGAL:  Look, you remember "shorting against the box"?

WHOEVER:  Not as fondly as you do.

MACDOUGAL:  You think the ex-director's investment management operation is going to buy back the shares they sold?

WHOEVER:  I think those shares added to the selling pressure.  Who knows about the rest?

MACDOUGAL:  How about collusion?

WHOEVER:  Wall Street Crime Families reducing their positions from 44.57 on down, only to restore every share from 15.72 on up?

MACDOUGAL:  Together.

WHOEVER:  Got me.  Maybe, is the best I can do there. 

MACDOUGAL:  B#st#rds.

WHOEVER:  Maybe, on that one too.  Look, MacDougal, KMI stock's worth 30 something.   Someone'll make a bundle riding it back there.  History says the Families will be in on that lock, stock, and barrel.

MACDOUGAL:  How'd you get 30's?

WHOEVER:  Allocate half of Kinder's Distributable Cash Flow to dividends and apply a 3% yield.  Industry norm for these times.  And KMI is selling at book value now.  That's your standard bargain basement level.

MACDOUGAL:  So dividend investors have nothing to worry about?

WHOEVER:  Dividend investors always have something to worry about.  Invest in companies, not dividends, MacDougal.  You know that.

MACDOUGAL:  Yeah, right.  So what happens from here?

WHOEVER:  How would I know?  I use a Gordon's London Dry Time Machine, not a Delorean.


December 9, 2015

Media Pussies Attack American Hero to Curry Favor with Jihadists

     Terrified that raghead psychos are targeting Christian and/or Jewish publications supporting Jesus and Moses in the Muslim War brought against the two holy figures by whatshisname, the New York Daily News and Detroit Free Press both launched vicious smear campaigns ragging the only hope western civilization has to destroy whatshisname's centuries-old Islamic war machine, the Great Donald Trump.

     We've already urged patriotic subscribers to stop reading newspapers and watching television, and suggest that you now just go ahead and piss on The New York Daily News or Detroit Free Press anytime you spot one somewhere, especially if it happens to be in the hands of one of their goddam freaking peace-mongering Liberal readers at the time.

The McCafe is Here

     Serving urbanites who nibble on rabbit food, or whatever effetes call that these days, McDonald's is in the early stages of rolling out trendy spots where the malnourished can bring adventurous regular folk along too, and everybody gets fed, albeit curiously.  Will wonders ever cease?

November 24, 2015

Negative Interest Rates Draw Nigh, Say Crazies at the Fed

     Prepare to 1) close all conventional U.S. Dollar bank accounts, 2) sell all fixed income paper (i.e. bonds) denominated in that soon-to-be impaired currency, and 3) transfer all your assets into prodigal credit card debt, large-cap blue-chip stocks, gold, and selected foreign currency accounts - if you can find any selected foreign currencies that aren't being thrown under the same bus;  what this author references as an Alice in Wonderland Market will surely turn out to be the Looney Tunes Global Economy after all that's been said gets, God help us, actually done:

     Th-th-th-that's all, folks.

November 23, 2015

The 'F*ck You, You Filthy White F*cks' Movement

     Going back to their movement's roots, protesters are finally putting into words what their 'Black Lives Matter' fiction has always been all about, presented here because the mainstream media doesn't seem to be covering that part of the story:  

November 20, 2015

Muslim World's Man of the Year

     For his efforts to help jihadists "act on beliefs sanctified by 14 centuries of religious precept and example, particularly that of Mohammed himself, who said very clearly, 'I was ordered to fight all men until they say there is no god but Allah,'" Commander-in-Chief Barry Soetoro has been awarded our coveted Muslim World's Man of the Year Award.

     In lieu of an acceptance speech, which one assumes will not be forthcoming, we offer the following piece by Bruce Thornton, a slice of which is quoted above:

November 19, 2015

Russia Takes on the Muslim War Machine

     Struggling through their rhetoric, one inevitably concludes that, to the Muslim enemy, "infidel" means anyone who isn't one of them.  That aligns us with the peoples of places like Russia, China, and North Korea in this thing whether we want to be or not.

     Before you freak out, there's a good side here.  Enlightened in areas where our leadership appears grossly weak and disadvantaged to the amoral enemy, these commies, or former commies or whatever they are, can take the battle to places we will not go.  While making up your mind about such an off-the-wall development, you may want to consider this report as one of countless positive examples, almost all of which would, or will, never reach your eyes:

November 16, 2015

Segregation as Part of the Answer

     America has lost her way.  Tapping into Fred Reed's thinking,  one might propose a three-step solution to finding it once again:

  1) return her outsourced jobs,
  2) restore her free market in U.S. Treasury Bonds,
  3) reestablish segregation, "de facto, tacitly encouraged, mutually accepted segregation", to quote Fred, "wherever practical - universities, schools, police forces, maybe the military, and housing".

     Here's the link to the former mainstream journalist's persuasive words, from the first truthful perspective we've encountered on this subject lately, a pithy, no-punches-pulled exposition that got MacDougal more than half-convinced we should go ahead and add that third step right in with ours:

November 13, 2015


     Taking their cue from the Community-Activist-in-Chief, who all too recently fomented this kind of insurrection by leading the now ongoing seditious attack against white police officers, students across the country are currently bullying white college administrators and staff out of office by threatening to riot if their victimized targets don't quit, and are succeeding due to 1) an absence of specificity in their charges, 2) unabashed contempt for the legal process, and 3) a pack of corrupt talking heads falling all over themselves to support anything that smacks of followthrough on Barry Soetoro's racial bias against our nation's majority white population.

     We call for patriotic Americans everywhere to follow MacDougal Irving and stop watching television.  Start getting your news exclusively from fair and unbiased internet sources like the Fox News website.  To help get you launched, here's their coverage of the ugly matter at hand:

November 10, 2015

The United Socialist States of America

     We've been pointing this out for some time now: the Fed's seizure of the US Treasury Bond Market was an act of communism, utterly destroying capitalist activity in that arena.  Meanwhile, keen-eyed subscribers may have noticed that many observers believe our monetary politburo was simply following Japan's lead, a point we saw no reason to bring up.

     Until now.

     Japan's central bank has since gone on to buy up 50% of that nation's exchange traded funds, and is now reported to be looking at purchasing shares in public companies.  51% of that market would give them voting control, in effect, communist governance over corporate Japan.

     Peter Schiff gives us the skinny here:|finance|inline|story|story&par=yahoo&doc=103144382

   God help us, when - and how - will it all end?

November 4, 2015

News Media Reports Actual News

     For the first time in what seems like decades now, sources like Reuters and CNBC and The Seattle Times are reporting news instead of left wing communist disinformation, specifically that the girls and boys at the Federal Reserve Bank are keeping interest rates low "to help Obama".  Propagandists are only telling us this to quote the great Donald Trump, but, hey, that's a start.  If seeing and hearing truth instead of hogwash for once shocks the dickens out of you, valued subscriber, you're not alone.

     It's probably too much to hope for, but maybe investigative journalists will investigate journalists now to see why the pack of them completely missed that totally obvious reality for so many, many years.

     Here, have a look see:


November 3, 2015

Alert for High School Freshman Boys

     The Barry Soetoro Department of Education has just ordered high schools to allow transgender students into the girl's locker room.  We recommend that all male freshmen declare themselves to be transgender before the courts strike this gift down, and take advantage of the situation while it lasts.  Some of you* will see more action in the upcoming days or hours than you'll get in the next four years, and everybody can go ahead and undeclare once the eye feast is over.

     *You know who you are.

October 26, 2015

Required Reading

     Placing the financial side of our economy in the grip of central planning after destroying the free market in Treasury bonds some years ago, our Monetary Politburo at the Federal Reserve Bank has been forcing totalitarian communism on the American people ever since.  Here, the author declines to go quite there while offering his take on the hows and whys of some of this for us - and for much of the rest of the world too; his vantage point offers an informative view:

October 18, 2015

What's up with Negative Interest Rates?

     First of all, the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) is not what it says it is.  All they do over there is step out onto a playing field set by fiscal policy, and cope with the game forced upon them, or try to.  These days, Barry Soetoro runs around spending money like a drunken sailor, so monetary girls and boys have to slog behind and cover the tabs he's run up.  And not much else, we're afraid.

     Their totalitarian seizure of the treasury bond market, disinforming the public with deceptive terms like "QE" this and that, has been the recent method of choice, meaning Communist Dictator Barry isn't kept in check by onerously high interest rates that free-markets once used to chop-block the capitalism-abiding presidents of the past when they got out of line.  The Fed's monetary politburo has seen to that, talking heads and them refuse to look in that direction, and the nincompoop electorate, dumbed down by an education system designed to keep the worst among us thinking he/she isn't actually a worthless piece of sh!t, doesn't know what to make of anything unless f#ck!ng Hollywood or somebody spells it out for them.

     Second of all, our one and only economic problem, the mess Wandering-Willy Clinton left us with way back when, still goes unaddressed and unacknowledged by pretty much everyone in public life but the great Donald Trump.  You can't demolish the demand side of the domestic economy by sending all those high-paying blue collar jobs to other countries, driving down the need for all those lost white-collar supervisory, management, and labor union jobs, obliterating all the multi-collared support jobs in the surrounding infrastructure and beyond, and expect aggregate buying power to hold up as if there's nothing f#ck1ng wrong with this.

     Given both points, it's easy to understand why monetary stuff has been nothing but a total failure for years on end.  Barry's still throwing the next generation's money away and Wandering-Willy's "outsourced" jobs never came home.

     Now the Fed's next pathetic effort could be popping up over the storm-tossed monetary horizon: negative f#ck!ng interest rates.  And why not?  They've never been tried before.  Not in anything resembling a full-blown attempt in a failing first world economy, they haven't.  Sounds like just the kind of thing American commies look for, based on the recent record: a f#ck&d-up stab in the f#ck!ng dark.

     To us, negative rates would mean we pay the bank to hold our money, instead of the other way around, which is what we're used to.  Current chatter has negative rates limited to bank payments to the Fed, another wretched idea, owing to the absurdity of thinking anything positive can be done without 1) taking Barry's credit cards away and 2) bringing those lost jobs back.  And if the bank/Fed negative interest rate thing doesn't throw us into a total depression, is there anyone out there who doesn't think Big Brother will be making you and us pay our banks neg rates next?

     Thing is, nobody has any idea what the ramifications are.  There's no history.   Thinking through this, giving it lengthy consideration, neither do we.  Holding cash for us is a service, but historically, banks haven't had to charge the public for it because 1) they were able to make money loaning our balances out and 2) they competed for our money.  That all ended once banks started selling their loans to third parties.  And, larger customers have always had to pay for banking through things like compensating balances.

     Beyond that, we can't help you out.  Where it would all end is anyone's guess at this point.  However, why someone would even think about going there, basically deep into some theoretical abyss - instead of facing up to the realities raised here, consequences of past ill-considered government action - is very disturbing indeed.  

October 17, 2015

California Baby Killers Ban Orcas from Having Sex at Sea World

     Demon-spawned Liberal fiends in the nether world of California, who relish their right to kill their own babies through cold-blooded clinical "abortion", their name for murder, the cadaverous practice that has massacred an estimated 58 million human beings in the USA since the Supreme Court decided to look the other way in 1973 and let these monsters call an innocent little victim "fetal tissue" instead of cutie pie, are now prohibiting sex between consenting Orcas at SeaWorld, explaining that 1) their captivity is, get this, inhuman and 2) there's a "regulatory vacuum"  there somewhere that Liberal serial baby killers have the Satan-given right to creep into.

     SeaWorld had applied for a permit from the California Coastal Commission to build bigger tanks for their Orcas, and commissioners took this as an opportunity to ban the park from 1) keeping males and females together and 2) adding new killer whales to their population.

     Earlier this year Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey announced that their circus will retire touring elephants by 2018, caving in to claims of animal abuse there.

     According to news reports, victors are out whooping it up.  Apparently it's a good time to be an animal-loving serial baby killer in America these days.

October 15, 2015

The Assassin

     It's not about Muslim-reared President Barry Soetoro's failure to defend Christianity in the Muslim Wars, spectacular defeat after spectacular defeat spreading a smothering enemy infrastructure across Europe and now onto our shores, carrying with it the military dogma that breeds Muslim soldiers for their so-called "terrorist" hordes.  Or even the similarly accommodative no-boots-on-the-ground dereliction of Presidential duty.  Those are a whole other thing.

     It's about national policy.

     Presidents of the United States are going around assassinating people.  This guy is just the latest in the line, and we'll be electing another hit man soon.  This President of the United States has been using drones "to hunt down and kill the people his administration has deemed - through secretive processes, without indictment or trial - worthy of execution".  Drones, the weapon of choice these days, have added a Hollywood touch, probably the only reason we're hearing about this at all.

     The President of the United States, people.  That makes these killings political.  Not military, POLITICAL.  Political killings, and there are no plans to ever place the decision in military hands.


     WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF, W... T... F... WTF?

     Here's the skinny, apparently from sources who would make Edward Snowden proud:

October 9, 2015

Average Pay: Feds $119,934, Private Sector $67,246

     Rending capitalism asunder with his/her signature weapon, the crushing onslaught of stifling Federal regulation, our typical power-mongering bureaucrat in Washington rewards himself/herself handsomely with an over-the-top compensation package befitting this elite's success at destroying the economic fabric that used to be America.

     And the transition to Marxist communism marches on ....

October 6, 2015

A Breath of Fresh Air from Treasury Secretary Icahn

     For his Secretary of the Treasury, Donald Trump has chosen another overachieving billionaire.  Below, Carl Icahn, a man who can look at today's market valuations, tell us, "half of that's bullshit", and then explain why, touches on our favorite topic when it comes to criminal malfeasance in government: those bubble-making ramifications inherent in the Fed's zero interest rate policy, which, in robbing today's investors of safe income, has pushed the naive little guy into doomed junk bond products offered by well-known money managers so that Washington liberals can kick the free-market cost of their wild-spending ways on down the rocky road of Dire Consequences.

     And there's more too.  Much more.  Listen up, subscribers, and get to know the man who'll pull us out of all kinds of bullshit - if we can just find it in our hearts to give a bawdy guy a chance.

October 4, 2015

Democratic Party in 2016 - Dysfunction on Steroids

     While whats-her-name, Monica Lewinsky's rival for our 42nd President's unnatural sexual urges in and about the Oval Office, is out on the campaign trail championing gay this and gay that and gay these other things too, the 44th President, Barry Soetoro, bullies anyone standing in his way to (singlehandedly) place 100,000 foreign Muslims a year into American cities (that the birthplace-challenged, debatably-Muslim despot chooses).

     Hey gays, Muslims throw you guys off rooftops.  Why on earth would people who are about to die, historically speaking anyway, support a political party that's bringing in the people who'll kill them.  Gays, at least check out the list of cities provided in the second link below, and if you're living in one, clear out fast.

     You may want to consider heading back into the closet too.  In this country, 100,000 of one matter has a curious way of easing on into 1,000,000 of another sort of similar matter and then, before you know it, 10,000,000 of this further related matter pops up too.  With your help at election time, that kind of algorithm is likely to play out faster than you think.

     If they don't know who you are, they can't throw you off a rooftop.

     (NOTE: we did not watch the Muslim-released video below, and if readers want to view actual gays getting tossed off actual rooftops by actual Muslims and then stoned by more actual Muslims hurling actual stones, no one at The MacDougal Post wants to even hear about it.)

October 2, 2015

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach - Which Word Don't You Understand, America?

     Paring military expenditures for funds needed to maintain the royal living standards of his Welfare Queens, reported to be pulling down $75,000 a year from government these days compared to the take-home pay of $40 something thou scraped together by the average blue collar working family, Muslim-reared Barry Soetoro has attempted to wage the Muslim Wars without American combat boots on the ground, placing 40,000 soldiers and 17,000 Army civilian workers on unemployment this year in the process, for goodness sakes.  As pretty much everyone else on the entire planet anticipated, this has worked out pretty good for Muslims but not too well for:

1) Jews (google Benjamin Netanyahu),
2) Christians*or
3) Judeo-Christian America.

     Knowing what pathetic means when he spots it, Vladimir Putin has now jumped all over the resulting leadership vacuum to step in and do the right thing, saving Syria for the world with bombs AND boots on the ground, and he's doing it with allies too.

     How much shinola do we have to put up with before the word, impeachment, starts to pop up somewhere else than here?

September 30, 2015

Side Armor Left off Armored Vehicles Given to Muslim Ally Fighting Muslim Enemy

     In what a video caption labels "Admin's strategy to support anti-ISIS coalition falls short", dozens of deliberately defective U.S. mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles (MRAPs) have been shipped to allied Muslim combat units fighting for us in one of the losing No-American-Boots-on-the-Ground campaigns being waged against mounting worldwide enemy Muslim forces by Barry Soetoro.  These curiously-vulnerable sitting ducks protect against land mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) detonating underneath them, but not rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) attacks from the side.  This comes at a point in the Muslim Wars when enemy Muslims have overrun Syrian armories, helping themselves to stockpiled Russian-made RPG 29s capable of slicing through the side of an unprotected MRAP "like it was a sardine can", as one former Army Special Forces vet put it.

     Muslim allies believe that the side plates in question were left off because "the U.S. government is concerned their armor plate technology could fall into Iranian hands", the vet added, a point "not disputed by U.S, officials in Washington", according to Fox News - and possibly helping to explain why Russia has been cuddling up with some of these players all of a sudden.  Here's the scoop:

September 26, 2015

US-Trained Muslim Military Unit Hands over 25% of its US-Issued Equipment to Muslim Enemy

     In a development many saw as inevitable, American military assets can now be used to kill American troops as part of the longstanding Barry Soetoro national defense debacle.  It appears this Muslim fathered, Muslim-reared, White-bashing-church regular, already charged with dereliction of his duty as Commander-in-Chief by a slew of patriotic US military heroes, is now faced with the inconvenient truth that this probably-African-born, former Indonesian foreign-aid student has given tangible aid to the Muslim enemy.

     We call for the immediate implementation of a government program to count losses resulting from the use of this equipment, identify the deaths and casualties by nationality, and report those statistics to the American people.

     Here's the relevant link:

September 16, 2015

The 100-Year Bond

     Bonds maturing a century from issuance have been around for a while, and there are a bunch of them.  Walt Disney and Coca-Cola debuted the idea in 1993, and over the years those names were joined by the likes of IBM, JCPenny, Ford, BellSouth, Norfolk Southern, MIT, and Boston University.  This year, Mexico and Petrobas followed suit.  While totally understanding why any debtor would love to issue 100-year bonds, we've occasionally wondered what kind of nut case could possibly want to buy one.

     Lets say the fruitcake drops $10,000 on a century bond yielding 6%.  He'll get paid $300 in interest twice a year for 100 years, and receive $10,000 in principal on maturity.  Well, his heirs will.  Or theirs.  Maybe.  Lets just assume somebody in the fruitcake family receives it, all right?  Anyway, what are the pack of them actually getting from the entire 100-year bond investment?

     As it happens, $30 turns out to be the approximate price of our favorite 12" stuffed Chicago-style pizza at a popular pizza joint here in the extended neighborhood.  (We actually tend toward Tony's Italian Deli at the moment, but Tony's relevant large pie is way less expensive so the Chicago-style numbers work out better for this example).  The $30 pizza we're talking about is the Heart Attack Special.  It comes with sausage, pepperoni, prosciutto, roast beef, and extra cheese, and "due to the immense depth ... will take a few extra minutes", which explains the thirty bucks, including sales tax.  Our example excludes tip because we always do take-out with local pizza.

     Ergo, that $300 coming in semi-annually from the century bond covers 10 Heart Attack Specials over the six months funded by the first payment.  Only that's today.  What about tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow?  There's that dimly distant maturity date and all those intervening tomorrows.  What about them, huh?

     Forget the intervening tomorrows.  Once you hear about the last one and that accompanying $10,000 payment on maturity, you won't care about the intervening tomorrows.

     In a study done a couple years ago, somebody concluded that 100 years of inflation increased prices by somewhat more than 2,000% over the century ending about now.  Turning that into 2,100%, we find that Heart Attack Specials at our popular extended-neighborhood pizza joint would cost $630 apiece in the year 2115 under the same inflationary conditions.  And the fruitcake family, still receiving $300 twice a year from their century bond, will have to save up both semi-annual payments and add $30 to buy one Heart Attack Special a year, and, get this, that $10,000 principal payment will only snag them 16 more - if they throw in another hundred.

     In contrast, a starting investment of $10,000 in the common stock of an issue that keeps up with our 2,100% inflation assumption would be worth $210,000 after 100 years.  A 6% return on that investment will have risen to $12,600 in annual dividend payments for the common stock investor that year, treating that enlightened family to the century-after-century of Heart Attack Special enjoyment their investment acumen warrants.

     Analysis over.

     Now for who'd want to buy into this train wreck.  Lets assume that the 100-year old bond is a con, and start with the one obvious person of interest - the Wall Street mafioso who'll open a book, take the short side, and dump all the risk in that book on his clients.  The guy who calls victims "counterparties" to make his crooked ways sound legit.

     And if a con, that would bring us down to this guy's suckers.  There's absolutely no way these things would reach market without them - if we're talking about a con.  Suckers are easy to spot.  They're the clients being led around by the nose.  To us then, the whole sordid crime would be lying out in plain sight.  If we had any securities law enforcement, they'd simply grab the book, finger the perps on the short side, ID everyone getting pulled around by the nose, thereby uncovering the fraud pulled on all those victimized counterparties, and take appropriate action.

     If we had any securities law enforcement.  And if the 100-year old bond is a con.

     Just saying ...........


Poor Product Safety Tied to the Looting of Shareholder Savings

     The swindle commonly misnamed "stock option(s)" allows CEO's and them to pilfer small amounts of shareholder savings each and every year so that the culprits can end up pocketing every dime originally invested by public owners after decades of "stock option" sleight-of-hand racketeering.  The amounts stolen typically comprise a significant slice of one's family savings, particularly huge when related to the sum that would otherwise be handed to one's grandchildren and great-grandchildren when God finally lets the beleaguered investor out of here.  Instead, that missing portion of your money gets flat-out stolen by a new class of purse-snatchers that has curiously come to be misnamed the "1%" instead of "you m$th#rf&ck!ng crooks".

     "Stock options" have nothing to do with executive compensation because they're not paid out of corporate income.  It's all our money.  All of it.  Every single ripped-off penny.

     The scam was enabled by Washington through legislation that became effective January 1, 1981.  Prior to that day, crooks pulling the same con would've been tossed in jail for grand larceny.  Now Congress belongs in there with them.

     Recently, some academics have concluded that the kind of low-life, thieving b#st#rd heavily involved in this sordid criminal activity gives less of a sh!t about product safety than counterparts who aren't fleecing shareholders quite as much.

     How eggheads can keep coming up with more wrong directions to look in never ceases to confound us.  What about our stolen family savings, you blathering imbeciles?

     Whatever, here's the link.  Valued subscribers may be interested in seeing how the nitwits phrase their obfuscation, and we do suppose it's at least a little bit relevant.  Somehow.  Maybe.  And we are indebted to our offshore stringer for passing it along.  Trying mostly to pi$$ MacDougal off, he comes up with great stuff.

September 10, 2015

Injustice Department Acknowledges What We've Been Telling You All Along - Nobody There Prosecutes the Bigtime Financial Criminal

     Fining innocent shareholders billions and billions of dollars while charging zero high-muckety-muck perps with absolutely nothing at all has been the hallmark of criminal prosecution at the federal level when it comes to financial wrongdoing.  Do the Wall Street crime and nobody does the time is the message Injustice Department malpractice has been spreading far and wide ever since we can remember.

     And so, when an Injustice mouthpiece announces that all this is about to change, excuse us for casting a jaded eye upon her pathetic little peace offering.  For starters, note that what you're about to read came out in a cozy chat presumably with NYU law school wannabes - NOT IN A REAL COURTROOM with real lawyers and real judges and definitely not as part of any real federal crackdown on any real people or any real criminal activity by CEO's or anybody else who's been ripping us off for decades.

     "Effective immediately, we have revised our policy guidance to require that if a company wants any credit for cooperation, any credit at all, it must identify all individuals involved in the wrongdoing, regardless of their position, status or seniority in the company, and provide all relevant facts about their miscounduct", so Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates jawboned in remarks that gave no mention of refunds to wrongfully fined innocent shareholders, whose investments are still suffering from their liability to that kind of thing from Sally Yates and her ilk as well as everything else the Barry Soetoro White House has done to destroy American capitalism.  Nor did her paltry, pandering claptrap SEND ANYBODY TO JAIL.  Anybody at all.

     So Washington can take this acknowledgement of flagrant misdoing, an obscene insult to everyone who's ever been swindled by the Wall Street Mafia - all the godzillions of us who never actually went ahead and jumped out of the building in the horrible aftermath of those sundry cataclysmic events wreaking havoc on our family savings over the years - take it and shove it where the sun don't shine, which is pretty much anywhere sleazebag bureaucrats prowl.

     Goddam it, Injustice, show us the beef.

     Whatever, here's the dumb link:

September 9, 2015

We Are Led by Very, Very Stupid People

     We hail the prospects of The Donald 1) reversing those catastrophically destructive strong dollar policies of our Communist leadership in Washington while 2) extracting us from their deliberately suicidal job obliteration treaties and 3) restoring testosterone to the limp, pussified military that is all theirs too, the pernicious b#st#rds. These kinds of sovereign infrastructure reforms, however, may pale in comparison with this great American's success in reeducating the electorate on the nature of the ruling calamities that have befallen us and why they constitute nothing less than deliberate treason at the hands of those perps responsible.

     Here's the latest from our hero landlord, words that have driven us to make a pledge that would've seemed impossible to contemplate a few short weeks ago - should this fecund mouth eventually pair up with Sarah Palin's, surely forming the most adorable couple in politics ever, MacDougal will go back to watching television again:

September 1, 2015

Black President "Started This War" on White Police

     Connecting what he called the "black lies matter" movement to the assassination of Harris County Deputy Sheriff Darren Goforth in suburban Houston, Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. fingered the President of the United States as what we interpret to mean a participant in the execution-style slaying, pointing out that Barry Soetoro, himself, had "started this war on police" with the help of Injustice Department flunky, whats-his-name.

     While a contagion of officer-down calls breaks out across the nation, one in Fox Lake, Illinois just this morning, the dearth of impeachment action is difficult to understand.

     Here's one link to the Sheriff Clarke coverage:

August 30, 2015

White Deputy's Black Assassin Arrested in Texas

     In discussing the apprehension of Shannon J. Miles in the cold-blooded murder of Deputy Darren H. Goforth while filling up his patrol car at a suburban Houston gas station, Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman "said the motive for the killing had not been determined but investigators would look at whether Miles, who is black, was motivated by anger over recent killings elsewhere of black men by police that have spawned the Black Lives Matter protest movement."  (As reported by the Associated Press).

     "I think that's something we need to keep an eye on," Hickman said.  "The general climate of that kind of rhetoric can be influential on people who do things like this.  We're still searching to find out if that's actually a motive."

     Left unspoken was the role the Barry Soetoro Administration has played in fomenting black hatred of white policemen from the White House and Injustice Department.  Nobody wants to investigate that.

     "Goforth, 47,was pumping gas Friday night when the gunman approached him from behind and fired multiple shots, continuing to fire after the deputy had fallen to the ground."  (As further reported by the Associated Press).

August 29, 2015

Commander-in-Chief Trump

     Everybody knew about the guy in 11-D.  Guy in 11-D didn't make last month's rent.  Problem was, 11-D told 11-A, and Mrs. Lefkowitz was 11-A.  11-D ran into Mrs. Lefkowitz on her way to the garbage chute and mentioned missing the payment, and this was maybe 7 AM and by 8:15 AM everybody in Sherwood Oaks Apartments knew about it too.  Missing rent is a big deal to people who always make theirs.  A really big deal.

     Mrs. Lefkowitz had social skills, the kind of social skills that have a person banging on your door until you open it, which is what happened to the door at 6-A, ours, and that's how come we found out.  Pretty soon the rest of that floor knew because my mom had social skills too.  Word got around fast that way, Mrs. Lefkowitz knowing which doors to bang on and all. 

     Thing was, Mr. Rubin ended up in the loop right along with everyone else, only Mr. Rubin wasn't one of the tenants at Sherwood Oaks Apartments.  Mr. Rubin was our landlord, and by the time the story reached Mr. Rubin, it wasn't so much about the guy in 11-D getting a little behind on his rent, it was all about how the guy in 11-D was bragging about getting behind on his rent.  Going around bragging, was how Mr. Rubin heard it really.

     By 7 AM the following morning, a pile of furniture was sitting on the front lawn at Sherwood Oaks Apartments, a handwritten vacancy notice had been tacked to the door at 11-D, and these two great big Italian guys were parked outside in a brand-new Cadillac, waiting for three more gorillas to show up.  The guy in 11-D was rumored to be inside the trunk.

     By 8:15 AM, three gorillas and a truck came by for the pile of furniture, and soon things were back to normal at Sherwood Oaks Apartments.  Except for the guy in 11-D anyway.

     Nobody ever heard from the guy in 11-D again.

     Lately, certain uninformed elements in the mainstream commie media have started questioning Donald Trump's credentials to serve the nation as our Commander-in-Chief.  That, valued subscribers, has to be the funniest thing we've heard since Monica Lewinsky's rival for Wet Willy Clinton's aberrant sexual urges in and around the Oval Office announced her intentions to bring that deviate circus back to the White House in 2016.

     People, nobody screws with a New York landlord.  Give The Donald the American military machine, and he'll simply send GI's in to replace whatever the Trump Empire has been using for two Italians and a Cadillac lately, and you have our flat-out guarantee here at The MacDougal Post as New Yorkers, born and raised, that this nation's former might will be restored to its full glory once again, and then some.

     Vote for Trump.  We're damn well going to.

August 26, 2015

Flash Crash 2015

     Reports have it that 1) shares in both General Electric and Pepsi tanked by more than 20% just after the opening bell Monday, and 2) nobody can explain why or how the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 1,089 points in the accompanying carnage.

     Subscribers, this is just the same old same old.  Deja vu all over again. Short-selling gangbangers dumping fictitious shares into the marketplace in whatever number it takes for these con artists to make your money theirs.  And a Securities and Excuses Commission (SEC) pretending that this isn't criminal activity because the SEC has the power to 1) redefine "fictitious" as "okay with them" and 2) turn a blind eye to gangbanging.  Plus, these days the swindle includes an absence of humans at the point of sale, having been rendered obsolete because using machines that make transactions happen so fast and in such quantity that humans can't control them somehow means we have to remove the human element that would otherwise control them.

     So many people need to go to jail over this that we don't know how to count heads.  We can sure tell you where to start though.  Inside a certain government agency with a three-letter moniker that begins with S and ends in C and has a vowel in the middle that isn't a, i, o, u or sometimes y.

     Everyone working there is assumed to be a crook.

August 20, 2015

What Has the World Come to?

     Just when seasoned market observers were beginning to think that things couldn't possible get worse pretty much anywhere across the globe, the Brits go and announce that pubs there are dying off at the rate of 29 iconic watering holes a week - with no end in sight.  Apparently, MEN IN ENGLAND HAVE STOPPED DRINKING, or are in the midst of doing so.  Forget the Fed's interest rate circus.  Surely this is the catastrophic event that will mark the bottom of our dreadful summer plunge.  

   Or not.  If the Dow doesn't open down by at least hundreds on that kind of devastating news, maybe it never will, and we're destined to live out our days tortured forever by relentless shorts in this never-ending market of a thousand cuts.

August 16, 2015

A Website of Note

     "Bernie Madoff committed the biggest financial crime in history.  He stole $64.8 billion from tens of thousands of innocent people from countries all over the world.  But he did not do this alone.  In fact, he could not have done this alone.  He needed the assistance of a major financial institution and he needed a bank that would conceal his criminal activities."

     So the authors explain why they started, a name chosen to describe "The Unholy Alliance Between America's Biggest Bank and America's Biggest Crook".  Perusal of their work indicates to us that 1) one author, a lawyer, lost all her money in the Madoff swindle and both are trying to 2) drive JP Morgan out of business and 3) send CEO Jamie Dimon to jail.

     It's as good a read as that sounds.  If nothing else, we need to be reminded of all the fraudulent and illegal practices this sorry a$$ criminal enterprise has paid out staggering amounts of fines and settlements for in recent years.  Then there's the part about driving JP Morgan Chase out of business and sending the CEO to jail for a Madoff-class period of time (150 years.  Bernie is scheduled to be released on Nov 14, 2139).

     Here's the link:

August 11, 2015


     From 1915 to 1969, a period including the 1929 Crash and all those Great Depression years, the trading desk at Filch & Finagle never reported a losing month, probably never a losing day.  The Big Five had a cabal going, and it flourished through their ability as "market makers" to get better prices than the counter-parties on every single trade.  Sometimes Filch ripped off Goldberg Stixx customers, sometimes Goldberg took Filch customers to the cleaners.  That way, nobody had to be seen as looting their own.  It was all held together with telephone calls letting cabal dons keep each other in the loop.  World class market manipulation comes with a structural design that really does make it them against us, and the crooks have been paying off the Securities and Excuses Commission to keep the us's of the world in the dark about that since Day One.

     That said, dons loved their little games, like driving short term prices the wrong way on some big news, taking out margin players who actually did the right thing, and then letting long term trends go where they should've been going all along.  Ginormous amounts of money give the unscrupulous all the ammunition they need to pull off terrible things.  And that brings us to the month of August.

     Noticing that a slew of market participants really did leave their desks for August vacations, the bad guys figured it was easier to screw with prices then than at any other time during the year.  Market lore holds that bottoms often, but by no means always, occur in August, and points to the flip side of that as well - the Labor Day turnaround that can lead to that festive Christmas rally.

     We're not making a call here, just saying ....

     If right, nothing beats a timely market prediction, but in times like these, idle dreams can be lovely too.


August 5, 2015

Selected Year-to-Date Murder Rates

     African lion hunted by dentist: 1
     Citizens gunned down by Chicago street thugs: 266
     Christians massacred in worldwide Muslim Jihad: 695
     American babies offed by contract killers*:  648,132**

     Guess which victim was lavished with doting global media attention (hint: he wasn't even human).  Which innocent little victims receive neither funeral services nor obituary notices, let alone any news coverage at all from the Liberal propaganda machine, and haven't since their slaughter became legalized in 1973?

Data compiled for 2015 through August 4.
* Arranged by their own mothers.  Statistical treatment of multiple victims, such as twins, triplets, and the like, is unknown.
** Estimated.  Includes 194,494 through a single organization you are bullied into supporting with tax dollars handed over to godless Washington beasts.

August 4, 2015

The Baby Killers

     According to one estimate, more than 50 million abortions have been performed in the United States since 1973, some 600 thousand of them over the past 7 months alone.  1973 was the year a lawless Supreme Court seized the authority to legalize murder, and decided for godless hedonism in Roe v Wade.  As explained to us by proponents in the Democratic Party, it's a women's health issue.  Apparently, killing their offspring is how moms into debauchery keep themselves in the game.  Republican opponents, noticing the 50 million dead babies, generally counter with %$#@!&*!@#$, %^%#$@, or &*^(#%@$*#%$ or something equally brokenhearted like that.

     Nobody is even allowed to call this baby killing.  Like the term, "nigger", so accurate in its appropriate use that niggers themselves come out with it all the damn time (but not you), politically correct bullies have added "baby killing" to their brutal domain over any illuminative that drags listeners spot-on through the nefarious gutter of Liberal depravity, and will throw a hissy fit if you dare challenge their control of your mouth.  Hot button topics gather bullies who have anger issues like horse shit draws flies, which is the real reason why half the voting population of America won't call a nigger a nigger these days, except to each other, even with the White House we've had the last 6 1/2 years.

     Or a baby killer a baby killer either.

     50 million dead babies.  Given what little we know of the afterlife, coming away from the clutches of that horror all one can do is ask questions.  Like the one that struck us while trying to get to sleep last night:

     50 million dead babies are up in Heaven now.  What happens to all those mutilated souls?

July 29, 2015

MIchael Lewis on Greece Plus a Note to EU Readers

     No one delves into capitalism like Michael Lewis, including us.  From Liar's Poker, based on his experiences at Salomon Brothers, to Flash Boys, about which Bloodbath Mary Jo White at the Securities and Excuses Commission infamously felt compelled to respond with, "The markets are not rigged", Lewis has turned financial journalism into an art form, at which he may well be the sole master.  Whether your tastes turn to Moneyball, his one-of-a-kind take on Billy Beane's revolutionary new-math approach to our National Pastime, or The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine, a wrapt nuts-and-bolts look within the Wall Street/MainStreet mechanisms cranking out the Financial Holocaust of 2008, be assured, Lewis deftly delivers the real story in ways his reader will totally understand.

     Recently we clicked onto the latest Lewis masterpiece, a short Vanity Fair piece entitled Beware of Greeks Bearing Bonds, anticipating a seminal work on the tragedy unfolding there, and the author did not let us down.  We waited a while passing along the link to our valued subscribers because MacDougal came away from this tale with the following insight, but couldn't quite put it into words at first.

     Readers, what we have here is the aftermath of liberal Chicago-style politics taken to a world-class extreme; read up and heed:


     Staff just received the following notice, posted to our blog website after we signed in this morning:

European Union laws require you to give European visitors information about cookies used in your blog.  In many cases, these laws also require you to obtain consent.

As a courtesy, we have added a notice on your blog to explain Google's use of certain Blogger and Google cookies, including use of Google Analytics and AdSense cookies.

You are responsible for confirming this notice actually works for your blog, and that it displays.  If you employ other cookies, for example by adding third party features, this notice may not work for you.

     If you are an EU reader, be advised that no one at The MacDougal Post has any idea what a cookie is, does not understand the above reference to Google Analytics and AdSense cookies, couldn't employ other cookies because like we just $#&*ing said, we don't know what this notice is going on about, and could care less, and do not live on your silly $#&*ed-up continent anyway.

      From time to time, we do buy chocolate chip cookies, mostly at Fry's, a popular supermarket here at Pancho's Crossing, and one or more of us may well be munching away on a chocolate chip while we write a blog.  If that offends you, get the $#&* outta here and go read someone else's blog.

     $#&*ing EU.  Who the $#&* do these commie &^%$#)($ think they are?