
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 4, 2015

The Baby Killers

     According to one estimate, more than 50 million abortions have been performed in the United States since 1973, some 600 thousand of them over the past 7 months alone.  1973 was the year a lawless Supreme Court seized the authority to legalize murder, and decided for godless hedonism in Roe v Wade.  As explained to us by proponents in the Democratic Party, it's a women's health issue.  Apparently, killing their offspring is how moms into debauchery keep themselves in the game.  Republican opponents, noticing the 50 million dead babies, generally counter with %$#@!&*!@#$, %^%#$@, or &*^(#%@$*#%$ or something equally brokenhearted like that.

     Nobody is even allowed to call this baby killing.  Like the term, "nigger", so accurate in its appropriate use that niggers themselves come out with it all the damn time (but not you), politically correct bullies have added "baby killing" to their brutal domain over any illuminative that drags listeners spot-on through the nefarious gutter of Liberal depravity, and will throw a hissy fit if you dare challenge their control of your mouth.  Hot button topics gather bullies who have anger issues like horse shit draws flies, which is the real reason why half the voting population of America won't call a nigger a nigger these days, except to each other, even with the White House we've had the last 6 1/2 years.

     Or a baby killer a baby killer either.

     50 million dead babies.  Given what little we know of the afterlife, coming away from the clutches of that horror all one can do is ask questions.  Like the one that struck us while trying to get to sleep last night:

     50 million dead babies are up in Heaven now.  What happens to all those mutilated souls?