
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

December 31, 2015

A Sobering Look at the Stock Market in 2016

     Several longstanding dominant trends will continue to impact domestic equity investment through the foreseeable future, including 2016:  1) the slow and steady pilferage of shareholder family savings by management "stock option" flimflams, 2) the pertinacious ebbing tide of repurchased stock being removed from the share count at so many profitable behemoth corporations, and 3) the perverse restructuring of the U. S. labor force with anything other than White Christian male citizens of the United States of America. 

     Corporate management is in the business of making what's yours theirs, and the business description published by any public company engaged in equity compensation is only used as cover for the slippery-fingered purse snatching operation that's been taking place in the footnotes to the Shareholder's Equity section of the Balance Sheet since January 1, 1981.

     Instead of fingering the perps as grifters and prosecuting their blatant bamboozle as grand larceny-family savings, enabling legislation out of Washington showers these bunko artists with a never-ending trickle of whatever wherewithal you and I manage to sock away and "invest" in their swindle, and media dimwits have taken to calling them the 1% rather than the lowlife crooked motherf#cking scum they really are.

     As for the replacement of white Christian male citizens in the labor force, that began with the job obliteration treaties Wigglin' Willy Clinton signed, giving away all those manufacturing jobs we used to have in return for 1) big Asian contributions to Wigglin' Willy's family non-profit and 2) promises of big bucks for Hillary's campaigns so that that bitch could f#ck us some more too.  Currently, the job obliteration initiative has morphed into a "diversity" movement, code for making sure that no White male ever gets a job he's qualified for again.

     In view of the above, enlightened CEO's and them have no choice but to put excess cash to work by buying back their own shares.  Nobody in his right mind would invest in new plant and equipment, or whatever, under conditions such as we see suffocating Truth, Justice, and The American Way today.

     Basically then, American business leaders no longer care whether their company grows or not, just as long as there's enough value in the stock to keep your net worth trickling through their sticky fingers, they're retiring company stock to keep earnings per share high enough to make that happen, and the quality of the domestic labor force has deteriorated to the point where the economy can't possibly grow anyway, so while White investors continue to watch their families and neighborhoods erode, it may begin to dawn on them that keeping the stock market in the crapper goes hand in hand with that too, in which case they'd pull out of the market rather than try to deal with this sh!t, possibly in a big way.

     You may want to think about finding something else to do with your money too.