Born into a Big 5 investment banking family, I quit organized financial racketeering to go straight. MacDougal Irving is my Blogger Protection Identity, and I am a retired Certified Public Accountant and, like all of us, a badly misinformed investor. These are my observations on capital market cons as they were explained to me across the dinner table as a kid.
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........
January 1, 2016
White-Bashing Update
With gender-specific racial warfare conducted against us White males getting swept under the mainstream media rug over the last 7 years, informed victims have turned to alternate sources for news of abuse after abuse on that front. Here's some of what came in the last couple of days, plus a tidbit of our own.
One It was reported that functionaries in the Barry Soetoro Administration plan to publish rules flooding the labor market with 100,000 more foreign workers, largely from the war-torn Mideast and college grads all:
Two Government functionaries informed MacDougal that while his gross social security pittance remains unchanged in 2016, the combined Medicare deduction will increase, resulting in a noteworthy reduction in the amount deposited in his bank account each month. There was no word from anyone on how much of an increase in her $70,000-plus annual ransom the average welfare queen will score this year.
Three The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1% during the last session of the year, down 5% from its high last Spring, bringing its annual decline to 2.2% in the worst year for retirees in the stock market since 2008.
Four In other related news, Bangsamoro Islamists kidnapped and murdered 7 Christian farmers in the Philippines on the day before Christmas. Peruse the website linked below for all Christian attacks worldwide occuring in 2015: