
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 19, 2011

The Short-Seller

    Picture the ugliest homo sapien you’ve ever seen.  Some flesh crawling, blood curdling, creepy psycho fiend from a movie maybe.  Or an in-law.  Any in-law.  Now imagine this puke breaking into your home and sticking a gun in your face.  Lowlife holds your family hostage while stuffing your valuables in a bag.

    All your valuables.  He prowls around forever.

    You’ve never seen anyone more odious than this.  The horrid monster is pouring sweat, spraying spit, dripping snot all over the place.  Your place.  When it’s over, you won’t want to live there anymore.  Probably won’t stay another minute.  He’s pawing through your things with those grimy fingers, and you’ll have to trash them all when he’s finally through with you.

    He stinks, really stinks, reeks of the most awful stench, like he hasn’t changed those filthy clothes in years.  Or washed.

    Then he kisses your daughter. 

    Okay, maybe we'd better shut this one down right here.

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 419.63 points yesterday, and this morning Dow futures are down another 142.

    The ask on your precious IBM, darling of your financial life, the blue chip you've nurtured for going on 60 mostly wonderful years, is under 162.  One ... freaking ... sixty-two.

    The short-seller has stepped inside your financial accounts and messed your family up.  With play shares.  Once again the cashsucking moneyplucker flooded the market with phony-baloney paper he doesn’t even own, and soiled everything you’ve got.  Even if you don’t have any stock.

    Just take a look around and see what he’s done to your country.

    This calamari has nothing to do with Europe, nothing to do with sudden projections of declining growth.  It’s all about The Beast.  The man with a trillion shares.

    A trillion bogus shares that don’t even exist.  Hideous sot just dumps them into our very real lives, and pulls them back out after he’s had his way with our savings.  Creep uses any excuse he can get.

    And the goons you vote into office give him that power.

    Make up your minds now.  While this calamity is happening to us.  Throw the moneypluckers out of office.  Never vote for an incumbent again.  You’re not a Republican, and you’re not a Democrat.

    You’re a Victim.  And it's the Republicans and Democrats who let the horrid creature dip into your financial house.  Both parties hand him the keys with their despicable laws.

    Way down at the bottom of what today's politics is really all about, Wall Street mobsters purloining everything we’ve got, you’re the financial carcass they’re picking at, Mr. and Ms. Investor.

    No.  Never vote for a cashsucking moneyplucking incumbent again.