
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 30, 2011

Consumer Confidence

    Americans are the most confident people in the history of people, a point economists have been overlooking ever since John Maynard Keynes first demonstrated that rich people pay better and way more often once you start telling rich people what rich people want to hear, so when the Conference Board Index slumped to 44.5 today from 59.2 in July, it came as no surprise to your MacDougal Post staff that the nation’s talking heads got it all wrong once again in their knee-jerk talking head coverage.

    See, what this 14.7 point freefall really indicates is that  1) U.S. consumers are  a) brimming with confidence that Blatant Umama has absolutely no idea what he’s doing and  b) more than somewhat assured that his Republican adversaries are even further along in that regard, and  2) the flabbergasted nation’s entire back-to-school buying crowd is pretty much unwaveringly certain that the country is going down the crapper so fast even the Conference Board can’t keep up with it, notwithstanding all their fancy Conference Board numbers and whatever else they've got.

    Face it, the plan to help people in the ghetto who don't eat fresh fruits and vegetables eat fresh fruits and vegetables smacks of the plan to help people who didn’t have enough money to buy pricey houses buy pricey houses, recently followed by a proposal to help people who don’t have enough money to refinance their formerly pricey houses refinance their formerly pricey houses.  How could any of his Democrat calamari possibly work?

    And next month Blatant faces the prospect of convincing people he, after solving that fruits and vegetables thing for the Missus, finally has a plan to give jobs to people who don’t have jobs, which, he must've just noticed, has been going around the past few years or so.

    Consumers have stopped listening to any of this by now.

    But if you want to see some really wildly over-the-top Consumer Board numbers, just wait until the House gets back in session, apparently September 7, a date suspiciously tough to nail down.  Give the Republican buffoons there a few more months like the last one they exasperated us with, and the Index will drop down to those exhilaratingly overconfident levels only a three ring Washington circus can bring.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, welcome to the Daffiest Show on Earth.  And now inside The Big Top's center ring, once again it’s time to ………..

    Bring on the clowns."

    Da da da-da, da-da da-da, da-da,
    Da da-da-da, da da-da-da,
    Da-da-da-da, da-da, da-da-daaaaaaaaaaaa.