
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 17, 2011

The Second Coming of George W. Bush

    Now, Readers, we’ve been here before.  Should a corporation transfer money from one subsidiary to another, and issue bonds in connection with it, bonds issued and bonds held cancel each other out, and the results of this transaction do not appear on the parent corporation’s balance sheet.

    If the subsidiaries are located in different countries, red flags go up, raising tax evasion and money laundering issues in a dutiful auditor's eyes.

    If daddy is the United States of America, and its Federal Reserve Bank, in charge of printing money, hands crisp brand new currency over to its Treasury Department, in charge of borrowing money, in exchange for U.S. Government Bonds, that transaction also gets washed off daddy’s balance sheet.

    The Fed has printed money.  That’s all that’s happened here.

    And when the Charlatan of the Fed claims that bonds actually exist and calls it Quantitative Easing, he’s a lying, monetarysucking moneyprinter.

    Whatever else is going on with Rick Perry, he’s the only dipstick in politics who’s on to Ben Bernanke.

    Your MacDougal Post applauds the Texas whack job, anointed Dubyah II in wild-eyed Liberal nut case circles, for that one.