
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 4, 2011

Functional Government

    Make no mistake about it.  Washington is not dysfunctional, the term brain-washing flim-flam artists have carefully settled upon in explaining away recent events.  The place is flat out corrupt.  Crime-ridden and maniacal.  A government of the robber barons, by the robber barons, for the robber barons, elected functionaries operate quite proficiently in this rat-infested sewer as a pack of mob stooges bribed with “campaign contributions” to serve the money-sucking master class.

    You don’t hear this from the talking heads.  Media disinformation has billowed into a mammoth corporate smokescreen, and the hired help would get canned for bringing the topic up.  From Rupert Murdock TV all the way across the political spectrum to Al Gore TV, what you see is rich people propaganda, and every single one of these rich people has his fingers around your wallet.  Smiley-faced spincasters are simply not allowed to spill the beans.  Not about where the elites are filching their money from anyway.

    No, Ma’am, not a bleeping word.

    Voracious CEOs and them slobber to sate their unfathomable greed with our hard-earned savings by pilfering shares through a basically open-ended “stock option” swindle enabled by Congress effective Jan 1, 1981.  That’s right.  The profligate sting’s been going on for three decades now, and it‘s made the contemporary corporate CEO the most successful criminal mastermind in the history of mankind.  There.  Now how difficult is that to get across?

    Through 1980, company executives got paid with paychecks like everybody else, and were what you might call comfortable.  Afterwards, the arch-fiends started pilfering your nest egg and mine to become a ruling class of the obscenely mega-rich, this festering pustule of billionaire mob kingpins.

    It’s either 1) spiraling socialism, poverty for us, superabundance for the party-wired financially-overstuffed upper crust, or 2) grand larceny, and we opt for grand larceny.  Whatever, Government has been redistributing wealth by making your hard-earned stash somebody else’s sticky-fingered take home pay.  The enterprises these monied gangsters run don’t turn the kind of profit that would generate this outrageously over-the-top largess.  Racketeers have to loot it from their shareholders' accounts.

    That the thieving pigs can pay elected officials to enable this audacious confiscation of your family’s financial future is reason enough to reexamine the death penalty in our society.  Clearly, the traditional public stoning would discourage this kind of criminality, at least better than anything we’ve got on the books in these unenlightened times.  Crimes against savings should be punishable by public stoning, sentence to be carried out at time of verdict.

    In the middle of the verdict, if the sonofab!tch is a banker.

    Twisting this whole doggedly efficient, decades-long operation around and calling it “dysfunctional” is misinformation.  With a dishonest, complicit media, one wonders what could possibly come along to illuminate all the mobsters’ ungodly deceptions.  Crime Lords run both the Government and the whole boob tube/fish wrapper cover-up operation.  Now this is the apex of results-oriented effectiveness.  There’s no dys about that functionality.

    Grand Larceny on their scale is as capable as Government gets.