
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

March 9, 2011

Whispering Judge Gives Raj His (at Least 75) Day(s) in Court

    Before the insider trading trial even starts for alleged financial rapist, Rajboddabingboddaboom, or whatever his name is, we behold a judge sneaking prospective jurors up to the bench to put his Q &A out of earshot so the public won‘t be let in on it, whatever it is, and we wonder what this spectacularly inappropriate dimwit thinks insider trading is all about anyway.

    Minutes later, Bloomberg TV reports that the jurors have never heard of Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Freaking Sachs, and a world-weary investment community is reduced to delirium tremens trying to figure out how anybody in his right mind could possibly consider this a jury of a hedge fund manager’s peers.

    Let the retrial begin. Should that judge ask for volunteers, someone at The MacDougal Post will gladly step forward.  We’ve no idea how guilty this alleged racketeer is, and haven’t formed an opinion yet on how much added time the alleged mob kingpin deserves on all the counts you’d want to lock an alleged depraved pervert up for, at least not until we’ve suffered all the evidence the long list of confessed thieving scumbags copped their pleas with.