
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

March 19, 2011

Longest Losing Streak in America

    As 7 nations, including our own, agree to jimmy the Yen back down to exchange rates that will keep Detroit on the mat until the Jap Automotive Industry War Machine gets back up on its feet, one thing strikes us as painfully clear: Japland takes a knockout punch, and homeless Michigan car workers stay down for the count.

    Your MacDougal Post staff wonders how anybody in this hapless country of morons called USA, USA, USA, USA in Olympic years can go to the polls and vote for anybody that any political party puts on any ballot anywhere anytime.  They’re throwing the game again, people.  Don’t any of you see that?

    Who starts an earthquake/tsunami disaster relief effort with massive currency intervention?  And why?  How stupid can the American voter be?  And where are all the media "experts" explaining what's really going on with those crooks.

    Forget this.  We’re going to Florida to play JV baseball.

    Even umpires don’t do stuff like this to kids.