
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

March 17, 2011

Three Days

    A few days ago, after the talking airheads started trotting nuclear physicists onscreen to further scare the calamari out of Post readers while stock prices were melting down, the only geek who seemed to make sense said that nobody had any idea what was going on with Fukushima Dai-chi because Governments lie, and to call him back in three days as 1) that’s how long it took for the Swedish Government to announce increased radiation levels in that country resulting from something fishy going on in what turned out to be Ground Zero at Chernobyl, and 2) Three Mile Island authorities needed the same 72 hours to suggest that locals there might want to consider changing zip codes while they still could.

    It’s been more than seventy-two hours at Fukushima Dai-chi now, and while that particular physicist hasn’t popped up on our tube again for some reason, the United States Government’s evacuation of all its citizens from the Empire of Japan and the rare public appearance of its Emperor to remind us once again that we never got around to shooting that sonofabitch after The Big One*, would both seem to confirm that history is running true to, well, history this go-around too.

    You’ll find out what’s happening as and/or when it happens.  Here at The MacDougal Post we’re keeping a sharp eye on images and headlines running across the bottom of the screen, and turning off the goll-darned sound.

    * The Second World War, often referred to as WWII, horrific global conflict waged against the United States of America and her allies by Adoph Hitler and the Emperor of Japan resulting in an estimated 50 to more than 70 million fatalities, including some of our fathers and uncles and many of their friends.