
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

March 18, 2011

MacDougal Post Calls for Disaster Relief

    Considering that  1) over the past half-century or so a pegged Yen has priced Toyotas at levels designed to destroy our domestic auto industry and, clearly, will continue to do so for-freaking-ever unless dealt with summarily, and that  2) this summarily thing ain’t gonna happen as long as Clintons and Bushes keep running our country for their foreign sweeties instead of you and me, and that  3) a key member of our own MacDougal Post staff, while assigned to Washington’s Office of International Operations (OIO), found that Japanese banks had never paid a single Greenback Dollar of U.S. Income Tax that wasn’t immediately refunded to them under a nefarious anti-American boondoggle enabled by our morons in Congress, complete with legislated cover-up of all IRS books and records ……..

    and considering all this very carefully for years and years now, your Post views each penny of financial relief injected into that evil land as a slap in the face of every unemployed and/or homeless American worker during these dire times, and we call on our dewy-eyed Post readers to help yourselves instead, for Goodness sakes, jumping all over multinationals and them at fire sale prices or, better yet, nuke meltdown prices if we're fortunate enough to see quotes really nosedive over this, and the Post Editorial Department further urges our nation’s leaders to ship 127 million Fords and Chevrolets and whatever else we‘re still making here over there, and promise to deliver 25 million more annually through at least 2050, maybe even 2100 if that Umama Obama will screw off and let car designers figure out what people want and like rather than him.

    An American-made classic automotive masterpiece for every man, woman, and child in Japland strikes us as just, the kind of disaster relief the inscrutable little sneaks* have been asking for these seven fallutin’ decades of ethnic arrogance and high-handed military/economic abuse.

* See December 7, 1941, “a day which will live in Infamy“ and won‘t unless somebody steps forward and keeps the targeted nation remembering that.