
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

March 20, 2011

Forget you, Brian Williams

    Two days since the group of 7 nations started manipulating the Yen, and all you see on TV is Japs, Japs, Japs.  What about the homeless auto workers of Detroit?  Where are the interviews of single moms on assembly lines shut down by this rigged currency in the first place.  They won’t be getting their jobs back any time soon now.  Nobody’s talking about that.  Who’s showing clips of unemployed war hero/junkies out on the streets with no other place to go?  Ever, after this.  Your Live Action News Team isn't up close and personal with any of them either.

    If the Misguided 7 let that Yen float up to free market levels, Detroit goes back to work.  How come the CNBC “experts” missed that one?

    At least Brian Williams is there to show the nation that, even after decade upon decade of massive ethnic and feminist employment intervention, there’s still at least one white male in America who has a pretty decent job on what has become the boobs tube.

    Forget you, Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer.

    Seventy-two more hours before we leave for Florida.  After rereading today‘s blog, we’re thinking our D-Day probably can’t come soon enough for Post readers up in the Northeast Corridor.  Well, some of you anyway.

    Oh yeah, did you notice Umama and them started another war, and missiles are already flying.  What is it now, 3 simultaneous fronts, or are the soldiers getting blown up in Iraq doing peacekeeping these days?  It’s hard to keep up.

    Whatever, this new one has the stock market waiting to see what the towel heads at Supreme Islamic Command HQ will throw at us this time, if anything, and who’s paying for this one.  If it’s us footing the bill, then …..

    Let the U.S. Treasury meltdown begin.