
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

March 22, 2011

Public Service Announcement

           How to Pack for a Trip to Florida
                     MacDougal Irving,
                    Logano, Tennessee

1)  Open bedroom window,
2)  Back pickup truck underneath,
3)  Toss out whatever you ain't got on,
4)  Stuff you see in the back is going with.
5)  If you want to take what you got on too, couple more weeks in it ain't really gonna matter.

March 21, 2011

No Insider Trading Here

    That Goldberg, Styx witness in the Rajbottabingbottaboom case is suing the Securities & Excuses Commission (SEC) for a jury trial instead of some administrative proceeding inside the SEC that regulatory hotshots plan on giving him after this hanging is over with.

    As your Post sees it, there's only one out there for an accused insider trading co-conspirator, or whatever he is.

     And we’ve half a mind to file one of those friend of the court thingies in support of his motion. Under the Bill of Rights, everyone in America has the inalienable right to a shot at seeing if his jurors can be bought.

March 20, 2011

Forget you, Brian Williams

    Two days since the group of 7 nations started manipulating the Yen, and all you see on TV is Japs, Japs, Japs.  What about the homeless auto workers of Detroit?  Where are the interviews of single moms on assembly lines shut down by this rigged currency in the first place.  They won’t be getting their jobs back any time soon now.  Nobody’s talking about that.  Who’s showing clips of unemployed war hero/junkies out on the streets with no other place to go?  Ever, after this.  Your Live Action News Team isn't up close and personal with any of them either.

    If the Misguided 7 let that Yen float up to free market levels, Detroit goes back to work.  How come the CNBC “experts” missed that one?

    At least Brian Williams is there to show the nation that, even after decade upon decade of massive ethnic and feminist employment intervention, there’s still at least one white male in America who has a pretty decent job on what has become the boobs tube.

    Forget you, Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer.

    Seventy-two more hours before we leave for Florida.  After rereading today‘s blog, we’re thinking our D-Day probably can’t come soon enough for Post readers up in the Northeast Corridor.  Well, some of you anyway.

    Oh yeah, did you notice Umama and them started another war, and missiles are already flying.  What is it now, 3 simultaneous fronts, or are the soldiers getting blown up in Iraq doing peacekeeping these days?  It’s hard to keep up.

    Whatever, this new one has the stock market waiting to see what the towel heads at Supreme Islamic Command HQ will throw at us this time, if anything, and who’s paying for this one.  If it’s us footing the bill, then …..

    Let the U.S. Treasury meltdown begin.

March 19, 2011

Longest Losing Streak in America

    As 7 nations, including our own, agree to jimmy the Yen back down to exchange rates that will keep Detroit on the mat until the Jap Automotive Industry War Machine gets back up on its feet, one thing strikes us as painfully clear: Japland takes a knockout punch, and homeless Michigan car workers stay down for the count.

    Your MacDougal Post staff wonders how anybody in this hapless country of morons called USA, USA, USA, USA in Olympic years can go to the polls and vote for anybody that any political party puts on any ballot anywhere anytime.  They’re throwing the game again, people.  Don’t any of you see that?

    Who starts an earthquake/tsunami disaster relief effort with massive currency intervention?  And why?  How stupid can the American voter be?  And where are all the media "experts" explaining what's really going on with those crooks.

    Forget this.  We’re going to Florida to play JV baseball.

    Even umpires don’t do stuff like this to kids.

March 18, 2011

MacDougal Post Calls for Disaster Relief

    Considering that  1) over the past half-century or so a pegged Yen has priced Toyotas at levels designed to destroy our domestic auto industry and, clearly, will continue to do so for-freaking-ever unless dealt with summarily, and that  2) this summarily thing ain’t gonna happen as long as Clintons and Bushes keep running our country for their foreign sweeties instead of you and me, and that  3) a key member of our own MacDougal Post staff, while assigned to Washington’s Office of International Operations (OIO), found that Japanese banks had never paid a single Greenback Dollar of U.S. Income Tax that wasn’t immediately refunded to them under a nefarious anti-American boondoggle enabled by our morons in Congress, complete with legislated cover-up of all IRS books and records ……..

    and considering all this very carefully for years and years now, your Post views each penny of financial relief injected into that evil land as a slap in the face of every unemployed and/or homeless American worker during these dire times, and we call on our dewy-eyed Post readers to help yourselves instead, for Goodness sakes, jumping all over multinationals and them at fire sale prices or, better yet, nuke meltdown prices if we're fortunate enough to see quotes really nosedive over this, and the Post Editorial Department further urges our nation’s leaders to ship 127 million Fords and Chevrolets and whatever else we‘re still making here over there, and promise to deliver 25 million more annually through at least 2050, maybe even 2100 if that Umama Obama will screw off and let car designers figure out what people want and like rather than him.

    An American-made classic automotive masterpiece for every man, woman, and child in Japland strikes us as just, the kind of disaster relief the inscrutable little sneaks* have been asking for these seven fallutin’ decades of ethnic arrogance and high-handed military/economic abuse.

* See December 7, 1941, “a day which will live in Infamy“ and won‘t unless somebody steps forward and keeps the targeted nation remembering that.

March 17, 2011

Three Days

    A few days ago, after the talking airheads started trotting nuclear physicists onscreen to further scare the calamari out of Post readers while stock prices were melting down, the only geek who seemed to make sense said that nobody had any idea what was going on with Fukushima Dai-chi because Governments lie, and to call him back in three days as 1) that’s how long it took for the Swedish Government to announce increased radiation levels in that country resulting from something fishy going on in what turned out to be Ground Zero at Chernobyl, and 2) Three Mile Island authorities needed the same 72 hours to suggest that locals there might want to consider changing zip codes while they still could.

    It’s been more than seventy-two hours at Fukushima Dai-chi now, and while that particular physicist hasn’t popped up on our tube again for some reason, the United States Government’s evacuation of all its citizens from the Empire of Japan and the rare public appearance of its Emperor to remind us once again that we never got around to shooting that sonofabitch after The Big One*, would both seem to confirm that history is running true to, well, history this go-around too.

    You’ll find out what’s happening as and/or when it happens.  Here at The MacDougal Post we’re keeping a sharp eye on images and headlines running across the bottom of the screen, and turning off the goll-darned sound.

    * The Second World War, often referred to as WWII, horrific global conflict waged against the United States of America and her allies by Adoph Hitler and the Emperor of Japan resulting in an estimated 50 to more than 70 million fatalities, including some of our fathers and uncles and many of their friends.

March 15, 2011

“Do not go outside”

    It’s hard to say what causes some market routs, but overnight news like that order from Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano crashed stock prices to the point where everybody knows what to finger on this one.  Waking up to those Godawful words, directed at 140 thousand people, totally freaked us out, and we live half a world away.

    A recent study found that 83% of people who can afford martinis by the traditional pitcherful didn’t sell stocks during the financial holocaust.  Carry on, would have to be our advice to them.

    Staff at The MacDougal Post has no idea what the rest of you should do, and we're too busy running off for ice cubes right now to care.

March 11, 2011


    The stock market fell off a cliff yesterday as representatives of the Islamic War Machine denied there is an Islamic War Machine at congressional hearings about the Islamic War Machine, and investors beheld the media denying it too, but out of one side of their mouths while reporting, out of the other, on mass coordinated armed insurrection across most of the countries supplying the Islamic War Machine with Islamic warriors.

    At this morning's opening bell, we recommend that our readership pour itself a martini.  Only time can tell us whether or not another F... This Bear Market has begun.

March 9, 2011

Whispering Judge Gives Raj His (at Least 75) Day(s) in Court

    Before the insider trading trial even starts for alleged financial rapist, Rajboddabingboddaboom, or whatever his name is, we behold a judge sneaking prospective jurors up to the bench to put his Q &A out of earshot so the public won‘t be let in on it, whatever it is, and we wonder what this spectacularly inappropriate dimwit thinks insider trading is all about anyway.

    Minutes later, Bloomberg TV reports that the jurors have never heard of Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Freaking Sachs, and a world-weary investment community is reduced to delirium tremens trying to figure out how anybody in his right mind could possibly consider this a jury of a hedge fund manager’s peers.

    Let the retrial begin. Should that judge ask for volunteers, someone at The MacDougal Post will gladly step forward.  We’ve no idea how guilty this alleged racketeer is, and haven’t formed an opinion yet on how much added time the alleged mob kingpin deserves on all the counts you’d want to lock an alleged depraved pervert up for, at least not until we’ve suffered all the evidence the long list of confessed thieving scumbags copped their pleas with.

March 6, 2011

Doomsday Horizon

    War is the culprit, but Washington won’t own up to it.  For years now, policymakers have been funding overseas military incursions with monies borrowed outside the tax-based budget, recklessly floating debt hand over fist to pay for them.

    Defense spending has been sizeable since World War II, and appropriately so, but in this millennium Federal books were balanced until Offense spending got tossed into the mix too.

    The cost of maintaining that debt has been artificially suppressed by rigged interest rates.  Rates clamped down so tight that sovereign bankers, including those inside our own Federal Reserve, have been making markets like Wall Street proprietary traders to prop U.S. bond prices up, creating the all-too-familiar bubble, whose impending pop must be terrifying them about now.

    You see, looming on the horizon, skyrocketing inflation threatens to jack dollar interest expense on the aforementioned debt up to flood levels that will swamp the Federal budget in red ink, sinking Treasury’s efforts to continue issuing their paper.

    Should business activity keep improving through the rest of 2011, at some point bond vigilantes, as Crime Family goons are known in that market, will finally muscle in, spiking interest rates up to their version of rigged free-market levels, hiking the cost of maintaining our outsized Government debt to the point where the pricing required to refinance it will ignite hyperinflation, that nonsensical state of affairs where so much money is printed so fast it becomes more and more worthless the longer you hang on to it.  Paychecks get turned into groceries the moment workers receive them, and no one carries any money around because prices can rise sharply in the middle of the day.

    We see where the Fed’s Ben Bernanke is now being compared to Arthur Burns, former Federal Reserve honcho powering runaway inflation in the 70’s.  Printing too much money can do that to an economy too, and those of you who survived those years know how price hikes devastated fixed-income investors back then.

    Exacerbating our problem now, so many good-paying jobs have been lost offshore, Bernanke doesn’t have the ability to grow tax revenues like Burns once did after employment trends perk up.

    People will be working, but the question is, at what?  And the answer is not going to be pretty, we’re afraid.

    This, in a nutshell, is a doomsday scenario.  Unfortunately, the numbers coming out of Congress right now aren’t encouraging.  Much as it pains us to conclude, current Republicans, our only hope for fiscal responsibility in years, have already positioned themselves as the Party of Too Little Too Late.

    This is no time for pussyfooting around.  We have to address the black hole: war spending, and we won‘t.

    For investors, it’s beyond goofy.  If the economy starts rolling, Washington’s financials are crushed by spiking interest rates, the stock market tumbles, and bonds can’t protect you.  They’re the enemy here.  However, at current diminished levels of business activity, the new G-men can manage their problem debt with a little old-fashioned price manipulation, and things remain hunky-dory, kind of.

    Whatever, with Congress taking themselves out of the game, Bernanke is in the crosshairs now. Keep a sharp eye on whatever he does.

    If the Post staff had any idea what that could possibly be, we’d tell you.  Our hope is, he’ll throw some kind of monkey wrench into things financial.  Given his history, that isn’t too much to expect.

    A little wrench though.  And sooner rather than later.  Keep this great nation of ours underachieving for just a while longer.

    That would give Congress a chance to dampen America’s prospects even more, dampen them enough to stretch this bull market out some.  We’re guessing this bunch will excel at dampen, particularly enthusiasm.

    They’ve got us there already.  And we’re not the only ones thinking maybe its time to allocate all you’ve got overseas.  Large cap multinationals and direct foreign investments are all the rage in guruland these days.  Dumping financials invested in bonds and buying the industrials who issue that paper ought to work out as well.  Maybe take a shot with a utility or two.  Paying back their enormous debtloads with hyper-inflated future dollars sounds like a winner here at The MacDougal Post.

    Not that we’re happy about it though.

March 4, 2011

Bernie Update

    Lets say we both built our portfolios up from $1 million to $2 million in less than a decade and closed the accounts.  If you did that with Bernie Madoff and I at Goldberg Styx, and I then handed my $2 million over to Bernie just before he ‘fessed up, Clawback Guy wants to take your $1 million profit away from you and give it to me, after his fees, commissions, travel expenses, and sundry other collection-related items, of course.  That’s what part of the latest New York Daily News financial reform story is about.

    One of the winners who pulled a pile of dough out of the scheme before it folded was the chief legal honcho at the Securities & Excuses Commission, and we mean chief honcho running the shop when that paper exposed this egregious conflict of interest last month.  He’s not with the SEC anymore.  He is, however, currently featured in the Daily News’ latest piece.

    We’re providing that link for the benefit of New Yorkers still having trouble acknowledging their Daily News as the nation’s leading source of financial reform coverage: