
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

    They bring a mountain of money, this Gatsby crowd, and the ability to move it, and their pile feeds the rapacious appetite of what has morphed into a megalomaniacal arch-villain, the modern day short-seller.  As the “stock option” swindle barrels on, society’s supercareless widen their death grip on the nation‘s wealth from 75% today, up from 35% yesterday, into maybe the 90%'s tomorrow, and whack job wealth managers of choice pool their deliria, targeting whole countries for devastation.

    Why not?  Cokeheads have the wherewithal.  And the depravity.

    Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain.  Off-handedly, the talking airheads of Corporate TV recently offered up Japan and France too.  And high on Capitol Hill, bought wingnuts clamor to throw our own Government far enough into the red to let the Crime Families rain a catastrophic hyperinflation down upon our beleaguered, dollar-monetized skulls.  It won’t happen in 2011, just draw closer yet, plummet headwaters already cresting into faint view through the mist of a distant otherworldly horizon.

    Invisible to a complicitous media, this short-selling scourge is chronicled only by these blogs.  Nobody else follows the bloodsucking thieves.  With that in mind, The MacDougal Post wishes all its readers a joyous 2011, and urges you to make the most of what you’ve got while you’ve still got it.

    Just don’t get too used to having it, is all.

    And we lead off your New Year with what may turn out to be the question of our times.  Are the Dons paying Washington’s financial adolescents to play Goofy so Scrooge McDuck and his guys can eventually short the United States Treasury, and the nation along with it, finally plundering all the cherished wealth there is here?  Every last cent would be 100%.

    May be the only way this inexplicable debacle can end.