
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

January 19, 2011

60 Minutes on CNBC

    Last night Michael Lewis discussed his book, The Big Short, on 60 Minutes on CNBC, and we also got to see the PC he wrote it on and meet one of his heroes.  Readers will recall our adoring review of this outstanding work, which relives Wall Street’s nefarious role in the sub-prime mortgage swindle.

    Michael added more observations and opinion on the show, which is well worth watching if it airs again, as has been CNBC’s habit with similar programming in the past.

    It’s interesting that everyone shies away from terms like short-selling and short-sellers, and they did last night, even though that’s what the segment was about.  That the perps all walked away with big bucks and the crime went unreported by everyone but Michael Lewis still leaves us flabbergasted, and watching the author’s reaction while he said so was a delight.

    Everyone in Government, finance, and the media got portrayed as a total crook on our living room TV last night, wonder of wonders.  Coming away from the show feeling that the Crime Lords will never be nabbed for anything they do is more than a bit unsettling, but realistic, and that, we suppose, has to be part of the story here too.

    At least we finally got to see someone who used to be a talking airhead finally telling us that Wall Street mobsters are a pack of bloodsucking thieves, though not in so many words exactly, and The MacDougal Post staff takes that as one giant leap for mankind, maybe even a win.

    Kudos to 60 Minutes on CNBC.  Best of luck with the rest of your new season.