
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

January 10, 2011

The Shootings

    As real unemployment/underemployment rolls on at maybe 40% plus who knows what, outsourced jobs look like they’ll fail to insource again any time soon, and illegal immigrants continue to flood domestic labor markets with this nagging impunity.  Recent college graduates have no positions to apply for.  None.  At a time when foreclosures on top of lost wages turn middle aged adults into dependents once again, homelessness exceeds mortifying levels and young men and women in these families march off to die in an onerous war nobody ever tries to win.  And while the politically unhinged hurl murderous invective at everyone in sight, declining to govern with anyone but same-minded simpletons in the face of Federal deficits programmed to destroy us all, investors faced with these unsettling horrors, and more, much, much more, scheme haplessly to position themselves for a certain spate of oncoming inflation.

    Position themselves in markets rigged to peg interest on US Treasury bills at whacked rates.

    And now, only now, after an Arizona Congresswoman gets gunned down in the streets, do Washington officials, living high off exorbitant bribes from Wall Street Crime Families, struggle to figure out why anyone would want to shoot them.  Faced with the prospect of classifying 130 million voters as mentally deranged, law enforcement must now deal with a national constituency hell bent on at least throwing these mob stooges off Capitol Hill and killing their chances of ever running for public office again.

    Our heart goes out to everyone impacted by this God-forsaken political wasteland, at least everyone not yet old enough to find consolation in the ever improving likelihood their harangued soul will get beamed up to a better, much anticipated place, and soon.

    As for the latest newsworthy tragedy, our prayers are with Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and those mortally, bodily, and/or psychologically injured in the Arizona shootings, as well as their families and friends and the many impacted communities.

    The human toll is heavy, and its consequences strongly suggest change, possibly for us all.

    But one can’t help reflecting on the weight of so much individual tragedy going unreported across the nation these days.  Clearly, that has more to do with this than anything the talking airheads choose to cover, at least so far anyway.