
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

October 23, 2014

Welfare, 1.7%, and Inversion Transactions

     With the family income of welfare layabouts already something like 50% higher than that earned by many average working Americans, Communist Party thugs in the White House have recently taken two steps to keep this gap widening:  1) raising next year's Social Security payments by a scandalously anemic 1.7%, action nudging many retirees further and further into poverty every year while an unconscionably different system elevates the street-demonstrating, police-bashing, non-working, do-nothings higher and higher into what has become the upper middle class under the Community-Activist-in-Chief's destructionist political agenda, and 2) unleashing "whatever means are available" tactics to quash inversion transactions (newspeak for moving the corporate head office overseas to get out from under crushing U.S. taxes).  Apparently, companies who cannot compete within the outrageous tax structure required to support our upper middle class welfare queens are being intimidated by a racially divisive White House using underhanded tactics that are so despicable that victims won't even discuss them openly.  The Commie Propaganda Machine isn't giving this outrage the front page coverage it deserves, but you can find an appropriate reference buried in the following piece (note the insane break-up fee pinko hoodlums at Treasury bullied one company into paying):