
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

October 18, 2014

Greatly Concerned

     Here at Global Headquarters, we're greatly concerned that "the extent and continued increase in inequality in the United States greatly concerns" the Chairbimbo of the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed), as that commie proclaimed yesterday.  This is the same pinko central banker who oversees the Stalinist takeover of our US Treasury bond market, and has nothing to say about the politics of THAT.  Ever.

     Were interest rates on Washington's runaway fiscal catastrophe allowed to find appropriate levels in a free market, it has been estimated that the dollar interest expense on that staggering sum would account for something like two thirds of the massive Federal budget, and the ditzy bitch is running her mouth off about her convoluted leftist perception of inequality.

     The politics of buying votes with free stuff failed years ago, failed because it's impossible for people with old-fashioned salaries to cover the tab, but the Chairbimbo has no problem with keeping the failed politicians in office by financing their abject failure with interest rates set by the Central Party.  This exploited country suffers a huge class of idle, rioting-in-the-streets poor, vast numbers of worthless, drug-ridden, illegal handgun toting, white-police-hating, in-your-face layabouts shirking all responsibility to contribute anything constructive to society, anything at all, and apparently her Trotskyite pea brain wants to keep their dole in line with the income of serious-minded folks who work for a living and the wealth of those with the foresight to save some of it.

     Destructionists like this specifically target you and yours by destroying your ability to tap a safe source of retirement income, US Treasury bonds, notes, and, bills, and thereby deny you the kind of financial security you've earned for your golden years with a lifetime of diligence, responsible behavior, and self control.

     Surely, everyone running the "Democratic" (Communist) Party is a goddam mental case.  The Fed Chairbimbo has just proven herself to be no exception.