
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

October 10, 2014

Breaking News Re: Your 2015 Taxes - Human Race May Be Extinct by the Filing Date

     According to a U.N. special envoy on the disease, the number of ebola cases is probably doubling every three to four weeks and that will be impossible to control unless there's a mass mobilization right now.  Reliable internet sources tell us that there are 3,800 cases as of today, and the world population would've been 7.4 billion in 2016 before accounting for all those projected dead ebola victims.  In the 73 1/2 weeks to March 15, 2016, one full month before the filing date for your 2015 Federal income taxes, ebola would've killed off something like 8 billion people at the special envoy's rate, only it doesn't have to because there wouldn't even be quite that many of us around in the first place, so we know that everyone on the planet will be offed by then without the mass mobilization.

     In that event, don't worry about filing your 2015 taxes - unless a problem turns up with the special envoy's math.  We're hoping it does, and staying on top of this thing for you.  Our subscribers have come to expect no less from MacDougal and his staff.