
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

October 26, 2014

Current State of Do-Gooding in the Republic, Bearing Arms Initiative

       Pardon us for our total ignorance in this area, but where’s that instant clamor from the gun control crowd when it’s a redskin who done the school shooting?  Or, for that matter, when it’s random Muslim killers who’re getting heavy arms airdropped to them by American flyboys who don’t have their boots on the ground?  Folks always knew that teen age girls toting automatic weapons on the streets of Haifa get a political correctness instant-clamor bye, as do young Democratic street thugs packing illegal handguns in places like Chicago, the Murder Capital of North America, and those infamous Democratic barrios out in Los Angeles County, but what’s with these sudden new exceptions?

       We’d love to comment on such matters, but It’s gotten so hard to keep political correctness straight nowadays, nobody here knows what to say.  If you’re White, male, Christian, love your F-150, and live in the heartland, however, it’s our best guess you’re still in their P.C. instant-clamor crosshairs.  We’d guess you probably want to keep those NRA dues current at this particular moment in history too.  Don’t even think about dropping that membership quite yet.