
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

October 30, 2014

What's up with Crude?

     A sharp decline in crude oil prices immediately preceding the Fed's widely anticipated exit from the T-Bond market is way too convenient to escape notice.  One commentator blames the Saudis, who - and we're not making this up, the commentator did - want to shut down the Bakken oil boom by driving market prices below levels needed to keep production out there profitable.  You know, the way John D. hisself took out competition back in the day.

     Whatever, the drop in oil trumped any attempt a free market could've mustered to punish our failed politicians with appropriate interest rates on their grossly obese national debt.

     The prospect of sovereigns meddling with capitalism like that is scary, and there are so many of them managing vast piles of money these days it's likely that some bureaucratic cretin somewhere actually has called up another bureaucratic cretin somewhere else with some plan to manipulate some price somewhere to serve some political purpose.  The pack of them have been doing so in the foreign currency arena for decades.  Why not dabble in commodity prices?  Or, for that matter, stocks?  For starters, the whole Chinese economy looks like a pipe dream to us, the reality of vacant cities having turned those fantastic tales of extraordinary growth into smoke and mirrors stuff based on commie lies.  Manipulators have to be manipulating all kinds of stuff to pull a scam of that magnitude off.

     Just now we woke up in a cold sweat.  What if this rather dramatic dip in crude was bankrolled by the Obama White House?  The surprise and suddenness smack of manipulation, and its success reeks with collaboration by big, big players.  Certainly, Administration commies are morally bankrupt enough to roll that way.  And an attack on the very industry they claim to be causing global warming?  How tempting is that to a vacuous pinko mind?

     We're not saying they are, but we're not saying they're not either.  Thing is, the Fed's Stalinist control of the Treasury bond market has worked out so well for the deficit spending crowd, why not wreak havoc elsewhere?  Take down capitalism altogether, why don't you?

     If one accepts the premise that the Central Party in Washington is indeed following the destructionist path set down by those Columbia University dudes back in the '50's, and we here at the Post do - with our manufacturing jobs now lying in Asia, elevating welfare queens into the newly reconstituted goddam upper middle class in a horribly ravaged society, the evidence seems incontrovertible to us - unabashed price manipulation makes perfect sense.

     Time will tell if we're on to something here.  Given how the Muslim-in-Chief keeps getting away with with preposterous pretenses for supplying future Muslim enemies in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and now Syria with now vast numbers of American weapons, MacDougal worries that capitalism's demise will come a whole lot sooner than this nation of idiots could possibly foresee.

October 28, 2014

Lets Make Sharyl Attkisson a Household Name

     How does an honest and truthful reporter function inside the Commie Propaganda Machine that used to be our media?  Well, Sharyl's book is getting released on November 4, and she's going to tell us.  Here's a taste of the a$$kicking the poor woman got from Stalinists in the goddam Umama White House AND at f#ck!ng CBS:

October 26, 2014

Current State of Do-Gooding in the Republic, Bearing Arms Initiative

       Pardon us for our total ignorance in this area, but where’s that instant clamor from the gun control crowd when it’s a redskin who done the school shooting?  Or, for that matter, when it’s random Muslim killers who’re getting heavy arms airdropped to them by American flyboys who don’t have their boots on the ground?  Folks always knew that teen age girls toting automatic weapons on the streets of Haifa get a political correctness instant-clamor bye, as do young Democratic street thugs packing illegal handguns in places like Chicago, the Murder Capital of North America, and those infamous Democratic barrios out in Los Angeles County, but what’s with these sudden new exceptions?

       We’d love to comment on such matters, but It’s gotten so hard to keep political correctness straight nowadays, nobody here knows what to say.  If you’re White, male, Christian, love your F-150, and live in the heartland, however, it’s our best guess you’re still in their P.C. instant-clamor crosshairs.  We’d guess you probably want to keep those NRA dues current at this particular moment in history too.  Don’t even think about dropping that membership quite yet.

October 25, 2014


      Nationwide attacks on policemen (making headlines in Missouri, Pennsylvania, New York, Indiana, and California so far) recall the spectacle of a sitting Attorney General of the United States demanding demilitarization of police forces in this country while joining protests orchestrated to influence jurors taking up a case involving a White policemen protecting himself during an assault by a Black street thug, an incident being sensationalized by White-bashing Afro-American politicians.

       The Propaganda Machine is trying to tie ensuing psychotic violence against policemen here to the Muslim Army halfway across the globe without mentioning a very real probability that divisive racial politics emanating from this Administration could well have spawned it all.

       Why in God’s name do we continue to keep these destructionists in office?

October 23, 2014

Welfare, 1.7%, and Inversion Transactions

     With the family income of welfare layabouts already something like 50% higher than that earned by many average working Americans, Communist Party thugs in the White House have recently taken two steps to keep this gap widening:  1) raising next year's Social Security payments by a scandalously anemic 1.7%, action nudging many retirees further and further into poverty every year while an unconscionably different system elevates the street-demonstrating, police-bashing, non-working, do-nothings higher and higher into what has become the upper middle class under the Community-Activist-in-Chief's destructionist political agenda, and 2) unleashing "whatever means are available" tactics to quash inversion transactions (newspeak for moving the corporate head office overseas to get out from under crushing U.S. taxes).  Apparently, companies who cannot compete within the outrageous tax structure required to support our upper middle class welfare queens are being intimidated by a racially divisive White House using underhanded tactics that are so despicable that victims won't even discuss them openly.  The Commie Propaganda Machine isn't giving this outrage the front page coverage it deserves, but you can find an appropriate reference buried in the following piece (note the insane break-up fee pinko hoodlums at Treasury bullied one company into paying):

October 18, 2014

Greatly Concerned

     Here at Global Headquarters, we're greatly concerned that "the extent and continued increase in inequality in the United States greatly concerns" the Chairbimbo of the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed), as that commie proclaimed yesterday.  This is the same pinko central banker who oversees the Stalinist takeover of our US Treasury bond market, and has nothing to say about the politics of THAT.  Ever.

     Were interest rates on Washington's runaway fiscal catastrophe allowed to find appropriate levels in a free market, it has been estimated that the dollar interest expense on that staggering sum would account for something like two thirds of the massive Federal budget, and the ditzy bitch is running her mouth off about her convoluted leftist perception of inequality.

     The politics of buying votes with free stuff failed years ago, failed because it's impossible for people with old-fashioned salaries to cover the tab, but the Chairbimbo has no problem with keeping the failed politicians in office by financing their abject failure with interest rates set by the Central Party.  This exploited country suffers a huge class of idle, rioting-in-the-streets poor, vast numbers of worthless, drug-ridden, illegal handgun toting, white-police-hating, in-your-face layabouts shirking all responsibility to contribute anything constructive to society, anything at all, and apparently her Trotskyite pea brain wants to keep their dole in line with the income of serious-minded folks who work for a living and the wealth of those with the foresight to save some of it.

     Destructionists like this specifically target you and yours by destroying your ability to tap a safe source of retirement income, US Treasury bonds, notes, and, bills, and thereby deny you the kind of financial security you've earned for your golden years with a lifetime of diligence, responsible behavior, and self control.

     Surely, everyone running the "Democratic" (Communist) Party is a goddam mental case.  The Fed Chairbimbo has just proven herself to be no exception.

October 15, 2014

Ebola News Desensationalized

     We at the Post have no idea what to make of the ebola media hysteria that includes, as we noted previously, an estimate by some UN dude that, if you run his numbers, would result in the extinction of the human race by March 15, 2016, one month before our 2015 1040's are due to be filed.  Here's a Seeking Alpha piece by epidemiologist Christopher F. Davis offering the kind of information we're not getting from the Propaganda Machine.  Who knows whether he's right or not, but it's the only ebola coverage we've found that seems reasoned and useful; his views certainly make sense:

October 10, 2014

Breaking News Re: Your 2015 Taxes - Human Race May Be Extinct by the Filing Date

     According to a U.N. special envoy on the disease, the number of ebola cases is probably doubling every three to four weeks and that will be impossible to control unless there's a mass mobilization right now.  Reliable internet sources tell us that there are 3,800 cases as of today, and the world population would've been 7.4 billion in 2016 before accounting for all those projected dead ebola victims.  In the 73 1/2 weeks to March 15, 2016, one full month before the filing date for your 2015 Federal income taxes, ebola would've killed off something like 8 billion people at the special envoy's rate, only it doesn't have to because there wouldn't even be quite that many of us around in the first place, so we know that everyone on the planet will be offed by then without the mass mobilization.

     In that event, don't worry about filing your 2015 taxes - unless a problem turns up with the special envoy's math.  We're hoping it does, and staying on top of this thing for you.  Our subscribers have come to expect no less from MacDougal and his staff.

October 9, 2014

Impeach Everybody

     As ground war rages in Kobani, Reuters reports (link below) that officials from the U.S., who excuse their country for not putting U.S. boots on the ground, blame Turkish officials for not putting Turkish boots on the ground, explaining that "there's no question the U.S. Government thinks Turkey can do more, should do more, and that they are using excuses not to do more".

     Turkey will fight only if Washington agrees to certain Turkish conditions, which seem to be the excuses U.S. officials are talking about, and Washington will fight only if everybody else in the whole freaking rest of the freaking world agrees to certain American conditions, which mostly include getting ground troops from the whole freaking rest of the freaking world shot instead of ours, which is definitely what U.S. officials are excusing themselves for.

     Citizens of the world, The MacDougal Post calls on you to rise up and unite, and thence replace your officials, all of them, the entire sorry lot, with 12 year-old girls.  The popular ones, like we all remember from middle school.  At least they had to listen to their mothers sometimes when those girly squabbles got totally out of hand.

October 2, 2014

And the Con Goes on

     You'll recall that Coca-Cola (KO) bosses asked for shareholder approval of a stock option swindle redistributing what David Winters at Wintergreen Advisers calculated to be as much as 16.1% of their KO investment into management's cunning little paws.  Well, yesterday we got a press release 1) revising that number to something like 4.4% (0.8% in 2015 and 0.4% in each of the plan's remaining years), and 2) telling us we could go to the company website and listen to a corporate skirt blow smoke up our a$$, which we didn't choose to do.

     Apparently, shareholders passed the original con, but more than half of them didn't actually vote, which appears to be the messed-up way the criminal conspiracy running corporate America does business these days, if we understand what Warren Buffet talked around at the time, hence acceptable to the lowlifes atop Coca-Cola.

     Common folk spend their adult decades building up a hard-earned nest egg only to see bamboozling mobsters like these KO thugs strong-arm gobs of that dough right out from under their goddam noses because getting paid out of profits isn't enough for the silver-tongued hired help.  They have to loot the owners' pockets too.  Investors have been getting hornswoggled like this since 1981 because nobody anywhere in authority holds the grifters responsible, or even requires them to fess up to what they're doing exactly.

     Prior to that year, racketeers got tossed in the clink for this kind of grand larceny, and perps only get away with it now because they paid off crooked Washington politicians to pass enabling legislation then and kick back kingly "political contributions" to keep it on the books now, giving SEC hotshots the flimsy excuse they need to look the other way.

     Screw you, light-fingered Coca-Cola bosses, crooked Washington politicians, and corrupt SEC hotshots.  There's nothing even remotely legal about the hired help fleecing the owner's stash and running off to all those sprawling McMansions with the stolen loot.

     4.4% is STILL grand larceny.  Try 0.0%.  Pay yourselves out of whatever income you generate from the business, and stop helping yourselves to a lion's share of our family savings, you crooked, plundering punks.