
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

February 12, 2013

SEC in Bed with Wall Street Crime Families

           Apparently, and without actually coming out and saying it, a recent 60-page release by the Project on Government Oversight highlights flagrant and long-standing criminal corruption by public servants passing through the revolving door at the Securities and Excuses Commission.  The way these mob plants keep getting coddled makes us want to puke.  If you can still handle the chutzpah of Washington wise guys, and the unconscionable “who, me?” defense that goes along with it, check out the Reuters coverage at the web page below.  Keep in mind that the perps here are Black Ops specialists engaged in the kind of subversive activities that rely on plausible deniability to give a complicitous media reason to misreport what's really going on with them.

Caution: subscribers may want to grab themselves a barf bag before clicking on the following link: