
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

December 21, 2012

What if?

      What if financial institutions paid off politicians for legislation letting bank Crime Families rip off the public so that Government could share in the loot by “fining” perps instead of providing restitution for the victims of their nefarious scams, like rigging world interest rates?  What if this garbage is intended to go on for decades?  Lifetimes?  Centuries?
       What if this is how politicians are already trying to tax the rich?
       Well, they missed this time.  It’s you and me the sleezebags hit.
      And what if the armed investing public suddenly started to take all this for bedrock, the malignant underpinning to an imbecilic system looting Peter to pay Paul, a profligate Peter-bashing anarchist who's been tearing Peter's culture down with a long list of outrages from wanton civil disobedience, ne rap "music" and media glorification of a crime-ridden drug/pimp urban street culture, to wastrel overindulgence, ne food stamps, subsidized housing, admission quotas, employment fast tracks, and God knows what, of a pampered lowlife affirmative action, equal opportunity/no qualifications class of quality-of-life bandits?  If you were a crooked, thieving piece of garbage politician, wouldn’t you try and take away everybody’s guns too?  Especially the assault weapons.  
        Every chance you got.
      Lets see how the Biden Anti-Home/Personal-Defense Commission turns out.  If public awareness hones in on the real business of Washington, grand larceny – voting public, this flagrant threat of political suppression, the first step in establishing a totalitarian Nazi state not so many years ago, seizing weapons, may not bode well for donkey and elephant alike.
         We need our weapons so that they know we have them just in case .........
         Just in case things get more ridiculous than they already are, we suppose.