
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

September 18, 2012

Trying to Understand

         Carried Interest got taped telling supporters how he views his personal enemies, apparently 47% of the American people, and the Nation listened to it yesterday.  The Presidential candidate couched his diatribe in some kind of Newspeak, shaky propaganda we don't understand.

         "There are 47 percent of the people", the hedge fund manager explains at one point, “who will vote for the president no matter what.  All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them.  Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."

         Trying to turn this drivel into English, our political analyst, T. Watermelon Jones, has come up with a translated version.  What Calamari-for-Brains was really going on about is this:

         That 47% of the American people who live at the subsistence level, their labor traditionally exploited to misallocate National Income into comfy standards of living for the "upper" 47%, now find themselves confronting 1) starvation and homelessness because an addled-brained 1% within the second 47% sent all their jobs to China and wherever, totally shutting most out of the economy altogether while threatening the rest with more of the same just around the corner, and 2) disenfranchisement because the aforementioned 1% have used every ploy in a truly demented playbook to prevent voters in the first 47% from casting their ballots.

         The 6% (Independents) who don’t belong to either 47% see that Carried Interest has his head up his a$$ because you can turn on the TV and watch him placing it there pretty much every evening now, so Independents aren’t going to support this dipstick no matter what, and the election turns on how many subsistence/starved/homeless/frightened voters the Psycho Wing of the Republican Party can drive away from the polls.

         47% minus, say, 10%=37%, and with Independents staying home getting plastered on November 6, Carried Interest and the Boogieman win in a 47%-37% landside, with a 16% no-show tally.  A win that has nothing to do with anything anybody’s talking about.

         Face it, valued subscribers, folks voting the GOP ticket have every reason to believe the Muslim-reared community activist with that White-bashing wife of his from some Black Power ghetto church in Chicago can’t wait to dump on gun-toting Heartland honkeys and raze the American way of life to the Sharia-level ground.

         "There are 47 percent of the people", our political analyst explains at one point, “who will vote for the hedge fund guy no matter what.  All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are independent of government, who believe that, that they are victors, who believe that government has no responsibility to care for their victims.  Who believe that they are entitled to deny people health care, food, housing."

         Vote for whomever you want this November.  We’re staying holed up in our Tennessee stronghold, ammo cached, guns at our fingertips no matter what.