
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

September 13, 2012

Back to the Future

           With today’s move, dubbed QE 3, the Fed Chair’s latest stab at keeping Washington’s fiscal adolescents in power by printing oodles and oodles of stealth money to help them kick the accountability can down the road, Ben Bananas has once again ignored the lessons his disgraced predecessor, Al “Freemarket” Greenspam, taught us, well some of us anyway:  Central Bank action focused on payola from politically-wired barbarians plundering the Nation’s middle class do not work when the monetary policy hits the fan. 

           Repressed inflationary pressures continue to build unaddressed and unabated.

           We urge subscribers to return to the 70’s as well as the pivotal year of 1969, and delve into everything about those forlorn times you can click your mouse on.  It’s where we’re headed eventually, though nobody can tell you when – or how much time we’ve got before our godforsaken journey through CPI (Consumer Price Index) Hell is doomed to be discounted by the rigged financial markets.