
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

September 21, 2012

A Monetary Boat Shipwrecked in Fiscal Waters

          With QE 1, Fed Chairman Ben Bananas fooled a lot of people, but thanks to informed bloggers like your MacDougal Post, by QE2 folks had started to understand that all the sneaky rapscallion was doing with his Q’s and E’s was …….


         By QE 3 even the talking heads were talking their fool heads off about this hooligan Central Banker and the hyperinflation vortex that is our Nation’s future unless …….

         Unless the Boogieman has his way with Bananas come next January.

         That’s right, subscribers.  We don’t like it any more than you do, but if Carried Interest wins, a Paul Ryan on the ticket may turn out to be the only good thing that’s come out of our nation's capitol since that peanut farmer got attacked by a wascally wabbit and lost out at the box office to Bonzo Goes to Washington, whence all manner of things started tumbling down, runaway consumer price increases notable among them.

         The Boogieman is a world-class Fed basher, maybe the Number One Bananas basher of all time, and, after a cursory review of his bloodier attacks, turns out The MacDougal Post editorial staff is on board with everything the VP candidate has been sparring over.  All of it is spot on.

           A GOP win in November may be the only chance you’ve got.  Well, the only chance your wealth management account has got anyway. 

         That’s what it’s come to with Ben Bananas at the helm.

         Monetary policy being dead in the water, the Fed’s flagship marooned on a treacherous fiscal reef.  And the Mother of all Tsunamis approaching our negligently exposed financial shore.